Puppy jumping up and nipping children

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by mangodelight, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. mangodelight

    mangodelight Registered Users

    Jun 30, 2015
    Hi there,

    We have a 9 week old black lab called Stanley. Generally he is well mannered around adults and calm, though we do notice his behaviour goes in cycles (Playful and crazy/Playful and calmer/Calmer/Dozy/Zonked).
    We have two children aged 2 and 5. He’s only been with us a couple of days but already both children are being more confident in terms of being near him/stroking/playing etc.

    My issue is that when he is in playful and crazy mode (first thing in the morning for example), he’s really going for them… Jumping up and trying to nip their faces which understandably is distressing for them. Currently we are just saying ‘no’ as much as possible and if it persists a gentle tap on the nose (not everyone’s cup of tea I’m sure). Is the best way really just to separate them when he’s being like this? It strikes me as slightly counter-productive as it’s kind of like a punishment for Stanley (which seems harsh considering he’s so young and just wants to play) and consequently how will he get calmer around the children if we keep taking him away from the situation.

    Any advice gratefully received,

  2. Jes72

    Jes72 Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2014
    My little nieces often come to stay, when Homer was a puppy I showed them how to stand still like a tree with their arms at their side when he was jumping up too much. We would also pop him back in his cage for a few minutes to cool off when he got too crazy.
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,
    Welcome to the Forum,sounds like Stanley is having a fine old puppy time settling into his new family.
    First thing I would say is stop tapping him on the nose.....you don't want to make him fearful of your hands,you only want good associations coming from them ...and their noses are such a sensitive part of them,it's really unpleasant for them.
    Stanley's behaviour is completely normal ,it seems that children can be a popular target for the nipping/ mouthing stage..maybe because they are smaller,noisier and generally more fun than us boring adults.That said though it's not fun.I don't have children but I have a niece and nephew who visit me most days ,they were 18 months and 2.5 when Dexter came to live with us ,he was 5 months old then and had most of his adult teeth.They were too little to be able to control themselves around him so we had to supervise carefully,we would remind them no running,if he jumped at them to cross their arms and turn their back to him,not to lie on the floor when he was free in the lounge,not to lie on his bed or go on his crate as they were his spaces.Its not an easy time and there were times when we did shut Dexter away behind his gate but I wanted to teach everyone to be able to get along together.....and we have achieved this .....the next thing will be him stealing their toys.....I thought I'd never crack that one but again with supervision and a few house rules everyone could play alongside each other without too much aggro!
    Best wishes
    Angela x

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