4th of July Fun with Maui's Fur Cousins!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by mmomom, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    They had a blast! Maui is relentless with her chasing of Chocolate Lab, Cocoa, 2 years old, however she seems to have realized that 10 year old Chocolate Sierra is just not going to play with her! We let them duke it out a few times with supervision and they did quite well. The craziness calmed down 'just a tad' today when everyone began all over again .... but they are all VERY tired!! All have left and Maui is beat! :)


  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    So pleased that everyone had so much fun. I expect Maui will have a quiet day or two to recover
  3. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Oh yes .... and her visit to the vet for another round of shots tomorrow too! Poor thing!
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Is that her final round of shots? Nearly time to investigate the big wide world
  5. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    I'm not sure .... she went with the Breeder at 7/8 weeks and again when we got her at 9. So this will be the 3rd round. I've read it depends where you live? It's either 3 or 4? I will find out though today. It really will be good to get all this behind us! :) Interested in what she weighs in at now. She was 12 pounds at first visit, 18.2 last time and I know she's at least about 22.5 on my scale at home a week ago! They grow so fast!
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Don't forget to let us know how you get on :D
  7. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Well Maui did great! She was 25 pounds! Exactly what the Vet estimated she would be this time at her last visit. She's had the 3rd round of shots and yes, she can now be on the ground, but in specified areas ... like our neighborhood for walks where we are fairly sure most dogs have had shots and for short periods of time. No dog parks yet and things like that, which is fine since I wouldn't do that anyway. Thank goodness ... she's far too heavy for me to be carrying all the time! She goes again for another booster in 3 weeks. In so far as the neighbor's dog goes, he said limited contact is fine for now, but to wait till next time for any prolonged contact. They told us the other day they were bringing him to the vet on Saturday ... we'll see. But, that's fine. I prefer her in our yard anyway. I just won't 'panic' if she happens to slip out the side door anymore! LOL!! She's a tired little girl today though and doing well! :) Got her a new collar and leash and even bought her a new toy which she seems to like as well.
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Sounds very practical advice from your vet. it seems so strange to me here in France because our pups have just 2 rounds of shots, the first at 8-9 weeks and the next around 4 weeks later and then they can start enjoying the big wide world from ground level. Think Maui is going to be a big girl by her weight but it's good to know that the vet predicted her weight so well. I've always taken Juno into the vet on a monthly basis to check her weight and would predict her weight from one visit to the next and found it to be pretty accurate. She surprised me last month though by losing 0.5kg or 1lb - all good in the battle to keep slim to help her elbow :D
  9. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    How is her elbow doing? I know, it varies so on the shots, even here in the US, it also depends on what state you live in. Even like the Heartworm .... up in MA they say it's only required during the summer months, although optional all year. We did it all year with Maggie just to be safe. Down here of course in GA where it's considerably warmer, it's pretty much recommended all year, that and the flea and tick preventative. On her weight, the Vet thought she would end up at maybe 75-80 pounds. Her parents were 70-75. I was hoping for a smaller dog actually. Our Maggie was a very big girl! Breeder had said maybe 65-70 pounds at full growth and she ended up over 100 pounds! The Vet always said a good weight for her was between 97-106, which she maintained most of her adult life. However, later on when she couldn't exercise as much with the arthritis, she packed on the pounds .... at one point tipping the scale at 123!! Her all time high. We cut back on feeding and did the senior/weight reducing thing. She passed away at about 112. All that being said, a lot of Maggie's problems were 'table scraps' from my husband!! He has vowed not to start that with Maui and so far so good! Of course, she did pick up a few things over the 4th that the kids dropped on the ground, etc. But, I would say that was her first taste of 'people food'! Where in France are you? We went to Europe for the very first time in May of this year before we got Maui. We flew into Paris, took the train to Barcelona and then boarded a cruise to Italy, stopping in Rome and Naples, where we had a driver to tour the Amalfi Coast. It all was absolutely beautiful!
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Fingers, toes and everything else crossed but her elbow seems pretty good at the moment - reaching out to touch wood as well :D. After going through a very neurotic phase with her (poor girl) I am now quite relaxed about her activity. She loves running after balls, although that's not really encouraged for her elbow, so we only allow a few and swimming, swimming and more swimming! She can do walks of around an hour without any problems, we are now going out again with our dog trainer on her "balade educative" which is great funny - walkies with other dogs and their owners. Juno has learnt so much about doggie manners and behaviours from these walks (all the dogs have received training from Rosanne, so she knows what they are all like) and helps us to overcome any little problems as well as Rosanne will always help and advise. Apart from that we watch her diet, she 's on a prescription diet to help joints, takes a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement isn't allowed to jump, go up/down stairs and uses a ramp in and out of the car.

    Sounds as if you had a lovely holiday in Europe - Paris, probably my favourite city. Train to Barcelona sounds good fun - so much of France to see and then a cruise with Rome and Naples. I haven't been to Rome (that's planned for next year) and have only seen the area around Naples airport. We had a holiday in Positano a few years ago and fell in love with the Amalfi coast, so that is also on the plan for next year for a revisit plus a visit to the Italian Lakes.

    I'm currently resident in Normandy, or Basse Normandie, as the locals call it. We're in a hamlet with 2 other houses with the next hamlets along the road, within about 5 minutes walk so rural but with near neighbours :D. We're also around an hour to an hour and 15 minutes from the D-Day beaches - a lovely spot for dog walks but our furry friends are banned this time of year :( but we had a picnic in one of the parks along the fringe of the beaches on New Years Day this year - got some funny looks from the French residents out for walks :rolleyes:
  11. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Sounds like she is doing well! That is so good to hear! Maggie was on the prescription diet and joint supplements too, but still as she got older she required a lot of pain meds. I am sending good thoughts and prayers she continues to do well and you can also relax a little! :) Keep us posted!

    We did have a wonderful time in Europe. It wasn't even my 'plan' for a trip, but my husband's and I'm so glad he pushed it! We had booked this cruise a long time out because it was a great 'sale' on the Allure of the Seas and he couldn't pass up the saving! The Allure's first time in Europe. So, he said, since we are there anyway, let's fly into Paris. Many I've talked to say what you did about Paris not being their favorite, but we had to see it. It was quite cold while we were there and we did a lot of walking seeing all the things tourists are supposed to see! LOL!! It was fun, but I'm 'good with Paris' now and if we were to go back would like to see other places. We spent 2 days there. Normandie sounds wonderful! What I really enjoyed was the train from Paris to Barcelona .... traveling along the French Countryside and Coast of Spain .... such beautiful scenery! Barcelona was also a lot of fun and we walked and walked there too seeing all the things tourists are supposed to see! We spent 2 days there before the cruise left and then another day on the return before flying home to the US. What I really loved was Italy! Rome was wonderful of course, but Naples and the Amalfi Coast was absolutely enchanting! Our driver took us to a lovely spot for lunch with the most beautiful view. We stopped at Ravello, Amalfi, Positano and Sorrento. We took the Ferry back to the ship from Sorrento. I think if we were to travel to Europe again, I would like to see more of Italy too. Definitely a whirlwind trip of a lifetime I think! When we got back we had a week to unpack and then make the trip to Indiana from Georgia to get Miss Maui .... and it's been crazy since! Life keeps us busy, but that's a good thing! :)
  12. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I fell in love with Ravello - I describe it as a little piece of heaven on earth, there's just something about it. Sounds as if the trip was hectic and life hasn't quietened down since, but then again what would we do without our pups :D.
  13. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Yes, I loved Ravello too! It was all gorgeous! It was hectic, but that seems to be what we do! You'd never know our ages the way we carry on with kids, grandkids, travel, company here, etc. But, seriously, it has been wild ever since we got back from that trip between getting Maui and people coming to the house, etc. Now my husband wants to travel to FL to help my daughter with the move. I am supposed to pick up my one year old grandson tomorrow, keep him for the night and the next day too .... however I woke up this morning with a terrible chest cold, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I think a little rest would be good .... do you think Maui will cooperate??!! LOL!!! :)
  14. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Maui will be a good girl while you're feeling poorly I'm sure - not sure about the grandson though :D:D
  15. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    LOL!! :) Thanx!

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