Dogs in the Park

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Dexter, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013

    I have had the most lovely start to the morning.....
    Dexter has a cousin here called Barnie a gorgeous black boy who lives with a working cocker Tam who all came from the same Breeder.Dexter has had a few runs around with Tam but its taken us until now to get Barnie and Dexter together.Dexter got a bit over excited and had a little lesson in manners from Barnie so he backed off a little bit which is why Dex is on the lead in one photo and also why he is sitting a little bit seperate.I couldn't get him to stay in a sit any closer.I haven't got the excellent camera skills I see from other forum members ,these were taken on my phone .....basic blunder though,I should have stood in from of Dexter,bless him he's looking at me not facing forward.Karen called him in the second one so we could all get them facing the same direction and I snapped it quick!
    Have a great day,I'm out on the hot sweaty road this morning doings chores so will catch up with everyone's news later x
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Lovely photos! :) They are all beautiful dogs.

    Dexter is a good boy for backing off when told. That's what you want - a dog who listens and takes other dogs seriously :)

    Crank up that aircon in the car!!
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Wow - nice pics!! I'm amazed at the green around you in that heat!! It's nice to see the human faces too...if I get brave enough I might have to post a pic of me and Simba too....but will have to wait awhile...
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Ah we'd love to see you Lisa :D how's the road trip?

    Considering its the desert ,Dubai is actually very green...they desalinate the sea water for the residential areas and treat the sewage water eeeeeeyuck :eek: for areas that are seen and not used ie central reservation boulevards!niiiiice! X
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    They look great together, the labs are just lovely. But I'm getting interested in spaniels now - they are so cute and bouncy looking. Charlie ran into another dog owner's legs this morning (she had sort of called him to say hello, so I didn't feel too bad) and she said "'re a tank!". He is too! Getting chunkier and chunkier every day. Dexter looks much finer.
  6. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Great photos! The dogs seem to be coping in the heat just fine. Is that grassy area one where the sprinklers pop up without warning and soak you while you leg it for the path? ;D
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Apparently properly treated sewage is very clean - really!! All water is 'treated sewage' in a way - think of how far and where an H2O molecule has travelled in its life. ;) Now that I've put everyone off their cup of tea....including myself as hubby has just boiled the kettle... Sorry :)

    Did you find the secret path to the beach, Angela?
  8. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    You are right Julie,he is slim,I'm really trying to keep him lean whilst making sure he has the correct amount of food.Its harder to see with Barnie but he is the same build.....although interestingly he was castrated at 12 months and is very leggy and long limbed,that was something that came out in the discussion last week when you raised it.
    Dexter is totally working line lab,he looks very different to the show line labs,his head isn't as broad ,his nose is longer and I know I have said this before but his ears seem smaller to me....he is really agile.If he was working properly he would have been amazing,he can jump so high and loves to do it although it is policed fiercely( generally visitors who lift a toy up high and see him leap for it will try and repeat the excercise as they are truly amazed that a labrador can be so gymnastic).
    Charlie is only little and I think they fill up,then lean out,then fill up as they grow and you are changing their feeds and monitoring their excercise.Inoticed Dexter was a bit rounder in the belly when we got back from holiday.Im pretty confident he hadn't had extra treats,I just think he had less excercise while he was pet sat.
    He went on prison rations last week as my Husband calls it.....strict weighing of his kibble,amounts taken out of it for training treats and if chicken was used I reduced his kibble further and he's sleeker again this week.
    He's nearly 10 months and he was 24.5 kgs last week,the vet says the scales tells her his weight is ok but I know she thinks he is on the side of too slim.I follow the guide of him going in at the waist and I can feel his ribs and they are covered so I think he is perfect ;D.....of course!
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    David....really,can you see me?although half the time I just join in and we get soaked together ;D

    I haven't so far Rachael,it's about a 20 minute drive so I went down myself last night,I didn't want to take Dex on a 40 minute round trip goose chase.My friend is a personal trainer so it's not her fault she lets me down,her clients muck her around something chronic,but i headed to where I thought she described it and I couldn't find it......however it was blummin rush hour traffic down on the beach road so I didn't have the chance to safely look for the gap and keep moving with the traffic.Its the First day of the Holy Month of Ramadan......the Muslim month of fasting and the roads clear like a ghost town at dusk....Iftar when the fast is being broken so Im going to try tonight when I know the road will be empty...

    Ill let you know and hope that my report isn't coming from a prison cell after being arrested for trespass and unlawful dog walking!
  10. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Well, Dexter looks really good on that regime, he is a beautiful boy.

    I love the way Charlie looks, but he is SO heavily built, I do worry about him staying agile. No worries so far, he zips around like a live wire, but when I see him playing with other puppies who are much lighter built, he does look clumsy and much, much, slower to turn when running full pelt. I'm keeping him slim, he has a good waist, but still lots of puppy like loose skin and a puppy like round belly, but there is no getting away from the fact he sure is chunky!

    Charlie was 20 kg at 4 months... that was 2 weeks ago....
  11. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Dogs in the Park

    Ah Thankyou and your Charlie is a cutester,he is how my vet would like Dexter to be but he just wouldn't look right,Dexter would look fat because his build is different.They are all so different,Lynne's Jasper is a heavy boy too and he looks just perfect,he's lovely.Theres nothing chunky about your fella flying through the air like a super hero!he's just a cuddly gorgeous puppy x

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