Ups and downs in eating!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Redrobin1977, Jul 8, 2015.

  1. Redrobin1977

    Redrobin1977 Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2015
    Does a lab puppy go through ups and downs in eating? My guy started out very eager to eat and ate everything immediately. But the last 3 days he eats maybe half at each of his three meals, and needs a little coaxing to do it. Is this normal? He isn't throwing up or having runny stool. He is having some itching and is missing a little hair on his face. I took him to the vet, who checked him for mites. The scrapes were negative, so we were sent home with antibiotics and an anti itch shampoo. The vet felt the itching and eating was unrelated. He thought the eating was due to people celebrating with fireworks. the 4th is over now, and he still isn't very hungry. My husband says maybe it's like raising a kid- they go through hunger spurts and then slack off a bit. I have a 13 year old lab, but honestly cannot remember anything like this. Any thoughts?
  2. Mylestogo

    Mylestogo Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2015
    Myles did this after I had him for a couple weeks. Started leaving half his food. So I just started mixing a wet version of his food in with it and that did the trick. Was just far more appetizing to him :). He got over it pretty quickly and resumed to normal eager eating :)
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,
    I've only ever had a very enthusiastic eater so have no first hand experience ....
    Is the food you are feeding 'fresh' by this I mean it's not got spoiled in any way?i know a couple of members that have mentioned in the past that their food had become a little musty and they had only noticed through their dogs lack lustre approach to meal times.
    It's great you've had a vet check up and assurance that the eating and itching isn't related but I would still keep observant to see if the itching persists post medication.The link between itching and food allergies is really common and however they manifest seem to take a while to sort out.
    If you are feeding dry kibble then sometimes just a little bit of water on the food can make it more appetizing ,it certainly makes it smellier and so I guess more appetizing to the average Labrador
    Best wishes
  4. Redrobin1977

    Redrobin1977 Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2015
    I did put a little water on it, and fed him a little by hand when he looked distracted. I also mixed in just a smidgen of coconut oil. I've read that's good for itchy skin, too.
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Oh gosh it's a tricky one isn't it?worry,worry,worry because they aren't eating but also not making a big deal of it so they get used to being hand fed and having tasty enticements mixed you lift the bowl up even if he's not finished?I'd leave it down for 10 mins or so ( I've timed my boy,he eats his meal,down in 37 seconds........) and then lift the bowl up.He might feel sense of urgency to eat it if he realises that there's only a small window when food will be available.I'd cut any treats out too,so meals times is the only time food is offered...I appreciate though that this a difficult one if you are using food rewards to train with and need something more high value than his regular food.Sorry,I know I've said I've got no first hand experience,I'm just pulling up tricks others have used and that my parents used to do with a setter of theirs that was an unenthusiastic eater.
    Hopefully something has just unsettled him and normal service will resume shortly x

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