Meeting the puppies at 5 weeks (Puppy pictures!!)

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by LucyinCornwall, Jul 11, 2015.

  1. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
  2. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014
    Thanks very much!! I'll go have a look at those 2 links!! :D

    Bless Mabel! Not a fan of expensive tastes then ;) Thank you!!
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Lucy the puppies are lovely,bet you were just buzzing being able to see them.
    Dexter was 5 months when he came to us,from day 1 I used to move a toothbrush round his mouth ,it was a piece of advice that someone gave to me as I was scared to give him bones to help cleaning.he just got used to it,to be honest I do a better job with the lintb ell products ...he just lies down on his bed after his breakfast and I can move all around his mouth really easily.Its worth doing it,my friends dog is the same age and on the same diet and their is a huge different between the dogs teeth.
    Sounds like you will be busy during waiting for puppy day to come,I hope it whizzes by x
  4. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thanks so much!! Buzzing so much! Dreamt about puppies all night last night as my mind was still there with them haha!
    Aww that's great starting from day one! Wow that's amazing!
    Do I show our pup the treat beforehand, or just give it to him/her after and then they realise that it gets them a treat?
    Thank you!! :D
  5. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Great pictures! Enjoy! Time will be here before you know it! We love Kongs .... lots of them. All Maui's toys are Kong brand and I rotate them so she doesn't become bored!
  6. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you!! Hehehe! Yes rotation is good, I must remember that!!! :D
  7. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Just thought of something else which may seem a bit strange to buy when you get a puppy! I found a onesie invaluable. There are no belts or hems wafting about for a puppy to play with. We collected Mabel in January so I invested in one with a hood for those late night, early morning outside toilet visits
  8. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you!! That's a great idea!! I'll definitely keep that in mind... really helpful!! :D
  9. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Also, I wouldn't use any treats except for soaked kibble for a few weeks - they are more than happy with half a piece of soaked kibble for a reward, and soaked kibble (from their food allowance) in Kongs. Then you will be sure what has caused any runny tummies. Be careful, too, to give treats from below - not above. A few pups have choked when given a dried treat from above.
  10. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Aw, such beautiful pictures. How super exciting!

    I'd add to the advice above by saying it's worth watching the videos on this page for you and Isaac so you can spot any "hidden" signs of distress in the puppy when they're interacting, and to teach Isaac the proper way to play with the puppy:

    Since he's so young, maybe start practicing standing like a tree, which you'll need during the crocopup phase.

    I didn't have a problem with ankle biting or chewing my trousers. My fluffy slippers even survived intact.

    Buy lots of vet bed and washing detergent :)

    If you have rugs and carpets, take them up if you can. Puppies far prefer going for a wee on a carpet than they do on hard floor, and it's far more difficult to clean properly.

    Plan how you're going to restrict access at first; your pup shouldn't be given free rein of the house to start off with, as it will hinder toilet training. Start with having him/her in a small area, and gradually increase over time; once the puppy is consistently clean in the current area, you can move the barrier a bit.

    Make sure you're well stocked with wine for when the pup is making you pull your hair out :D
  11. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014
    Thank you Boogie! That's great to know!! Very valuable information that I haven't come across before, thank you!!

    Snowbunny Thank you! That link will be so helpful - It's incredible as I've looked so hard to find something that will be an extra help for Isaac and this seems perfect! I want to get this part completely right and to help Isaac understand as much as possible, whilst never leaving him and the pup in the same room together. He's really understanding how to be and act but of course I will be talking to him all the time about it to reiterate.
    That's brilliant you didn't have problems with ankle biting or chewing of trousers... that's amazing!!
    Thank you I'm sure I will need it!!
    I totally understand restricting access, it's a very good idea.
    Hahaha it's going to be very interesting, exhausting, joyful and challenging all at the same time... Eeeeek! :D
    Thank you I love advice and knowing lots of information as possible!
  12. Scottiemama

    Scottiemama Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2015
    They are so beautiful! The time will seem slow until the week before and then it will fly by. Enjoy your new fur baby!
  13. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you!!! :D Cannot wait!!!!
  14. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Lucy , you have already had some great advice , can I just add something please ? Enjoy the puppyhood , embrace it and cherish it , they grow up so quickly and before you know it, they are adults . Pups are like little sponges , soaking up all that we give to them , so relax as much as possible and most of all, have fun :D
  15. BuffyDog

    BuffyDog Registered Users

    Jul 7, 2015
    Thanks for that link for children, it's brilliant. My daughters are 4 1/2 and almost 7 so I'll be getting them to watch this. The eldest is especially keen in getting involved with training. They have been practising 'being a tree' with both our neighbours' dogs (we're surrounded by mad spaniels!)
  16. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014
    Kate thank you!!!! That's such lovely advice!!! I think it will be a whirlwind a bit like having a baby, but it goes so fast I just want to cherish it as much as possible!!

    Buffydog The link is incredible isn't it!! Love the being a tree part. We have I think 3 labs, 3 spaniels and loads of other dogs in our close so Isaac is constantly a tree too haha! ;)

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