Bonding with our dogs

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by David, Jul 10, 2013.

  1. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    I wonder why it is we seem to bond so strongly with our dogs? Do you think it's an instinctive thing built up over the millennia we have kept dogs as companions, workers and pets? It does seem to be very strong - much more so than with other pets and animals it seems to me. I dread the day we will inevitably have to say goodbye that's if we are spared that long - not getting any younger ourselves!
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    I know it's quite incredible the depth of emotion they bring out of us.The closeness of living together is a factor for sure,But I think they are also so expressive,their facial expressions ,their body language,you just feel they understand you ,or at the very least are trying to.the only pets I have had of my own before Dexter were 2 cats who lived to 16 and 17 years old,I loved them dearly but they never looked at me with their head on one side with big doleful eyes or furrowed their brow while paying close attention to what I am saying!
    I think you sound like you've got a good few springs left in your step yet David,plenty of time for you and Lady to enjoy some adventures together!
    I'm very mindful of owners and dogs having a sad time at the moment too.Im watching out with concern for Tina's posts and supporting my friend through a similar situation here.......very upsetting and not something I can even bear to think about ....
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    I can't bear to even think of the goodbye. Luckily, he is so young, it's far away I hope.

    For me, I think it's that everything about Charlie makes my life better. Wagging tail and so pleased to see me in the morning is lovely. Silky plump puppy cuddles are comforting and gorgeous. He is funny and sweet as he explores his world - so entertaining. Trying to get to grips with the training side of things is interesting and rewarding. All of those things, and the fact he communicates with me with with much more expression than another animal - he responds to my communication (even if it's not the response I was looking for...), eye contact with him is meaningful (even if all it means is "dinner is late") so he feels like a companion - and a companion who doesn't sulk, argue, and always agrees that my plan for the day is fine with him..
  4. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    I felt am almost ovewhelming love for Sam as soon as he came home, this developed into a close bond as we embarked on training together and remains very close .
    I am pleased that little Millie hasnt altered this bond , I walk them both together but me and Sam have our extra " just you and me " walks too, important for both of us :)
  5. tartanmouse

    tartanmouse Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    We've all said it 'Never again' when we lose a cherished canine friend, but the pull is so strong to having a dog enhance our lives, that we will put ourselves through it every time, to feel that wet nose nuzzling up to us.

    I think nature has concluded that if baby animals look cute and vunerable, then we're drawn to caring for them. Nothing more cute and more needy than a puppy. We like that we're needed. And we like that the love that comes from a dog has no conditions attached to it what so ever. Show your dog the slightest bit of affection and your dog will adore you every moment of it's life.

    It's a privilege sharing my home with every one of my dogs. I couldn't be without them. But I can't explain why the bond exists, I just know that's it's there. Maybe it's because when it's just me and the dogs, I can pretend I'm as lovely as they think I am!
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    [quote author=tartanmouse link=topic=1950.msg16075#msg16075 date=1373455613]
    We've all said it 'Never again' when we lose a cherished canine friend, but the pull is so strong to having a dog enhance our lives, that we will put ourselves through it every time, to feel that wet nose nuzzling up to us.
    Yep, totally. Before Nicolae died we decided we would not get another dog. We loved him so much we didn't think any other dog could ever be good enough. We decided that, when the time came, we would get a parrot instead. I bought a lot of books about parrots. We priced parrot cages. I planned the construction of the outdoor parrot 'daytime' flight aviary. I researched parrot food and holiday parrot minding options. Within two weeks of losing Nicolae we had Obi. And still no parrot.
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    You are hilarious Rachael x
  8. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    At least a parrot doesn't pull on a lead though!
  9. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    But it might answer back ;)
  10. tartanmouse

    tartanmouse Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    And it's bad enough when your kids repeat what you say, without the pets joining in!
  11. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    the bonding is overwhelming, ;D from a very small puppy.i didn't enjoy jasper, loved the cuteness :) found him very hard work, every day was an obstacle,.... now just short of 7 month i love love love him :) never had a pet before,.....he is my best friend ;)........mans best friend , in my case womans best friend :)
  12. Lisa L

    Lisa L Registered Users

    May 5, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    I think Goldie has bonded with me far quicker than i with her (dont tell her that :-X) When i was with my long term ex we had a dog together, Elmo..the most wonderful Cocker Spaniel youve ever met. He was my friend, my companion, my shoulder to cry on...he was my world. He came absolutely everywhere and we were inseperable. The bond was fairytale like. However when the relationship broke down Elmo natually came with me as he was "mine" but when i started a new job i couldnt give him the life he was used to so he went back to my ex to live. Shared custody worked well for about a year until he (the ex) started to become difficult about the situation, stopped answering calls, texts and was awkward about visiting. Knowing how much Elmo meant to me he used him as a tool to hurt and control me so eventually i couldnt take it any longer and stopped fighting. That was 3 years ago and i havent seen my little boy since. It broke my heart like nothing before but it was the only option i had walk away. When Goldie became available i had wanted a dog for a long time but getting a puppy isnt fair with my other commitments so she fitted my situation to a tea. She came along at a time when i needed a focus, a reason to be motivated and a friend so maybe it was fate?! I havent bonded with her like i did Elmo, maybe because she is that bit older and i never did the puppy thing, maybe because a Lab wasnt my first choice (dont all hate me :eek:) or maybe because she will never replace Elmo. This must sound terrible to you all but i'm sure over time we will develop the same connection :)
  13. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    Doesn't sound at all terrible. Every dog is unique but some you have an extra close bond with. When I had Nicolae I got divorced when he was about 7 and we did the shared custody thing till my ex'es new partner said she didn't want the dog around any more. So I got Nicolae full time. My ex never saw him again, which I know would have been really hard for him (was out of my hands tho). He wrote me a lovely letter when Nicolae died. It's a rough situation.

    I love Obi, but not as much as Nicolae (yet). That is ok. Obi is his own man and he's a brilliant dog. It just takes time to develop very closest bonds based on shared knowledge and experiences.
  14. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    Lisa,I think it's really natural,every dog is so different. It must be dreadful to be separated from the pet you love by circumstances....both those last posts have given me a little tear.I think when you have had such an attachment to Elmo and the situation you found yourself in there must be an element of holding back until you really connect with Goldie...which you will/ have just in a different way....pop psychology over! :) x
  15. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    It took me a long time to bond properly withPops. I was angry with her being so rough all the time with our old dog, and worried that I was ruining his last few months of life with this pesky puppy... Of course, after a couple of months it all settled down and they became great friends.

    I think it was doing the dog training classes that helped us finally to bond so strongly. Now we are a real team, and I love her to bits. ;D
  16. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Bonding with our dogs

    When we got Obi he was obsessed with humping Nicolae's old bed (still in our bedroom). It made me really mad and upset. The disrespect!! The insult to Nicolae's memory!! So, I really relate to what you said, Karen, about being angry at Poppy. Bonding certainly wasn't instant for me! But, 6 months down the track, I'd be completely gutted to lose Obi. He's just the dog we needed. He got us smiling and laughing again :) Every day I look forward to seeing him when I finish work and I look forward to weekends so we can take him places. He's our Little Man :)

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