Hello and welcome to the forum from me and my two very-nearly-one-year-old monsters, Willow (black girl) and Shadow (yellow boy), who are both from field lines, so a little smaller than your very handsome boy.
Hi there from me and Simba (3 year old goof LabX). We live a little closer to your neck of the woods, but you have to look waaay north and a bit east - we live in central Alberta!
Hello Lisa. Here Simba! Love that name. Please post a pic of your baby. I had a trip planned to take Chopper to Vancouver BC, then to Squamish and finally to Whistler for his Birthday, but decided to postpone the trip when the wildfires hit that area. I'll be coming your way before it is over... Love BC and Canada!
Hello there and welcome,love the picture of Chopper in his wheels looking like 'King of the Road' We have Dexter a yellow boy who is nearly 3,currently getting away with murder as I've been away for 2 weeks and only back last night.We live in Dubai and the Middle East isn't hugely dog friendly so we don't get a chance to take him away with us ,so I'm very envious of your planned road trip Best wishes Angela
I'm late to say hello, but welcome from Myles (9 month old chocolate male) and me. We are also in the US (Texas). Myles is an English lab as well (however I've learned from being in this forum that to refer to them as English is very American of us ... so I'm learning to refer to him as "show line". Anyway, welcome and Chopper is so very handsome!!!
Hi again...sorry I missed your last post to me awhile back. Here's my boy, since you requested {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\sl480\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs40 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 image by psalmone1, on Flickr\ } I spent some time on Vamcouver Island this summer - no fires while we were there but dreadfully dry!
Hi Lisa. This must be Simba. Thanks for sharing a picture. He is gorgeous! So Sweet! He looks so peaceful.
Welcome Jerry & the very handsome Chopper! We are in Scotland. Mira is from working lines and is 2.5 years old. She is frequently take for a puppy due to her *ahem* exuberant, playful nature
Hello Clare. Just love this site. You get to chat with Lab owners from all over the world. Mira is beautiful! LOL... exuberant, playful nature? "Ahem", I understand...