Cooper had been licking his left paw for some time but I could find nothing, and I had a couple of friends check his paw and they couldn't find anything either. Just now I looked at his paw again and it is quite red between one toe and another. I put Hibiclens on it just to clean it but he is not happy to have me touch his paws in general.....does anyone have a suggestion what I could put on it to take the redness away? One of you on the Forum had suggested warm water and salt but he will not let me put his foot in this....I tried. Any cream? Someone else had suggested coconut oil but believe that was if his pad was burned....this is where he was licking to begin with. I DID get the coconut oil but dont really think I should put it on a sore spot between his toes....or should I? Thank you.....
I think I would probably pop in and see the vet if it's still bothering him but you can't see anything just to be on the sage side.
That sounds sore. I wouldn't muck around, I would ask the vet. Hope they manage to get him more comfy.
Head to the vet to get a check over,it could be something and nothing but my parents Setter had something similar last year ,they treated it at home butnitnwas a bacterial infection that went nasty and took a good while to sort out......if they'd have gone straight away they could have saved a lot of grief x
Definitely go to the vet. Obi's recent paw saga started like that and it turned out that he'd had something embedded in his foot. We would've had a much easier time with it if we hadn't waited a week to go to the vet....
Have appointment with vet at 4PM (USA time)......thanks for all your answers. Will let you know what vet says and does. Thanks again.
Holly's been licking her paws recently. They were starting to go red between her toes so we took her to the vet. Nothing was found. A few nights soaking in salty water and everything seems to be back to normal.