Feeling a bit overwhelmed

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by welshmam, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. welshmam

    welshmam Registered Users

    Aug 3, 2015
    Hi all

    I'm quite new to the forum and have been spending some time reading lots of older threads. It's really informative and helpful and I'm so glad I've found it. Maggie is 10 weeks old and I've only had her just over a week. She is my first dog and I hadn't realised that there's so much to do with a puppy. She's just had her second lot of vaccinations so we can't go too far but I am trying to take her out and about to socialise her. She is doing well with housetraining, and has already learnt her name and to sit. I have started some clicker training and working on recall in the garden for short periods each day. I'm trying to get everyone to ignore her when she jumps up, and to teach her to sit when waiting for her food.

    It just seems like so much and I'm really worried that I'm doing it wrong and if I'm doing enough. Maggie is already really sociable, and apart from trying to eat everything in site, and the odd bout of biting, she is absolutly perfect. I think I'm just worried that I'm going to get it wrong.

    Sorry for the rambling. I know there's lots of experienced members on here and I am grateful for any bit of advice. I am going to keep on reading and learning as much as I can about this wonderful breed.

    [​IMG]0187db2a6d322ef7ac111f3547ff7c3231a168e9f4 by Joanne Blunt, on Flickr
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Welcome to you and the gorgeous Maggie
    Harley is my first ever dog/pup and I admit I was very overwhelmed when she came home. It seems like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it all. It sounds like you are doing a really good job in such a short time. Personally I decided what training I wanted to do to suit my lifestyle. I do wish that I taught loose lead walking, but we are rarely on lead. The first few weeks are very much about socialising, playing and building a bond. Off lead walking is really good at this stage at home in your garden as it gets them used to staying by you - you could put a dollar and lead on but let the lead drag along the floor so she gets used to it being on. Give it a few weeks and you will feel like a pro
  3. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    Maggie is beautiful.....and you are doing a great job. I got my Cooper (now 17 months) when he was eight weeks and he was my first and only dog.So I knew NOTHING......I was overwhelmed, tired, cranky, stressed wondering if I was doing this right or if I was out of my mind for tackling a puppy at my age (77). And, yes, I WAS out of my mind. But time goes by, he learned SIT, DOWN, STAY, COME, etc....and little by little I began feeling more confident that I was doing the right thing. And, here we are....Cooper is 17 months old and he is the best thing that ever happened to me.
    He is affectionate, intelligent, funny, keeps me active, loves my friends, loves all dogs, is a happy chap. We still have a long way to go with training (mostly me!), and we will get there. Instead of "Cooper" I should have called him "Shadow" because he follows me everywhere I go. I never feel alone, I get up early and go to bed early (because he is tired around 9PM), and that is fine with me.
    So, keep plugging along.....yes, it is a lot of work but you will get all you put in to Maggie back one-hundred fold.
    Just come to the Forum with any and all questions.....everyone on it is wonderful and will help you.
  4. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Hi to the 2 of you. You sound quite organised. It was a bit of a shock for me when I brought home my pup but was able to get into a routine quickly. I don't remember how I learned now, must have been lots of reading! I think you are on the right track and you haven't mentioned losing sleep so you are doing well. There will be things you are unsure of and to that I would say that not all of the advice you get will be good but I really liked Pippa's Puppy book and I found a clicker trainer to come and do one session with us which helped to sort out timing etc of the clicker.
    She's a lovely looking puppy. :)
  5. welshmam

    welshmam Registered Users

    Aug 3, 2015
    Thank you all so much for your replies. I've got the Happy Puppy book and am learning lots from it. I've been very lucky in that she hasn't cried at all since we brought her home so I've had no sleepless nights. The breeder had already started house training with her so she was sleeping through the night from day one. I absolutely love how she starts yawning at around 10pm every night as she's so tired. She sleeps until around 6am when my husband gets up for work. She's a little star. Thank you for the reassurance.
  6. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Maggoe looks lovely and it sounds as if you're doing well. The forum is always a good place to check for advice or reassurance - and to keep is up-to-date with those lovely puppy photos!
  7. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    She is beautiful and sounds like a lovely puppy. It is very stressful in those early puppy days, just take deep breaths and soon you will settle into a routine and it will get a bit easier. Don't worry, it sounds like you are doing just fine so far.
  8. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I think that everyone feels overwhelmed with a new puppy, even if they are not your first :) If you are on this site and are avidly reading articles and wanting to put them into practice then you are definitely the right kind of owner and are doing a great job.

    Dogs are very forgiving and adaptable so don't worry if you feel you make a mistake sometimes. We definitely all do that! :)
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,
    There comes a point I think when we've all wanted to sit down and write exactly what you have written,so don't feel,alone.We have Dexter who is now nearly 3 and he is our first dog too.....you are learning all the time....and they teach you all the time too,I'm still finding things out about him now.
    I'm glad you've found the Labrador Site and Forum where there's a lot of advice ,info and general moral support Maggie is a cute little puppy,enjoy her,they are all,grown up before you know it x
    Best Wishes
    Angela x
  10. jools

    jools Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2015
    Maggie is gorgeous and looks just like Eric who is 11 weeks :) I would show you a pic but have no idea how too!

    I know exactly how you are feeling. We picked up Eric 3 weeks ago and there have been days when I've wondered what on earth I have done. And then felt guilty for thinking it. I have cried, considered taking him back to the breeder. Then felt even more guilty.
    He is a good puppy. I feel as though I've got baby/puppy blues!! It's ridiculous!
    we will get there. This site is fantastic x
  11. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hello and welcome, and hang in there, the first few weeks really are like the first couple of months with a new baby. Things soon start getting better. Maggie is beautiful!!!
  12. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Maggie is absolutely beautiful, sounds like you are doing a great job. My little chocolate girl is 8 months now. I was absolutely exhausted the first few weeks. I never expected to feel so tired.
  13. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hello! Maggie is gorgeous and just the fact that you are having these concerns goes to show what a fabulous puppy parent you will make. It's all perfectly normal and those of us who have (or have had) puppies have all been there to some greater or lesser extent. You do get through it - I managed with two at once, eeek! - and when you come out the other side, things are so much better. Even the best puppy in the world is difficult at times.

    Practice your deep breaths and a mantra of "It will pass" :)

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