I've got a couple to start us off! 1. Swing Ball (disaster -bent poll!) 2. Remote controlled planes (more of a disaster - Bob meant well by fetching it and then crunching it - sorry to my friend's son!) See what else you can add to the list! xxx
Swing balls could be X in many situations.....I've never known a Swingball session end without tears,they should be banned! I love threads like this ....but the fact that X just screams out in our case as chase opportunities makes me realize at this stage we aren't actually that bad at this stage/age ....However,I can never be smug or complacent...yesterday X was a snack in the hand of my friends 10 month old....lets just say it didn't stay in his hand for long....
By Swingball I assume you mean Totem Tennis. Definitely disaster potential there... X = duck food that Obi sneaks into the pen and scoffs, leading to deadly farts.
Oberon yep we call it totem tennis here but it's the same as swing ball. X is our friend's two year old son that squeals at Ella to say hello! Needless to say it causes an immediate reaction!
footballs aways footballs loves to eat em, and best ever a 150 years old leather booked mark made from leather which came off a very famous ship which sank off the southern english coast. He ate it yum very expensive dog chew