And I'm sure it will never end Today's trip to beach with off lead time was very different to last Sunday as there were lots more dogs (sun shining) Eric did well but I didn't lol. Took him into the sea which he liked a bit better but still won't go too deep. Then he met a lovely friendly dog, had a run around and that was good. Humans walked away with their dog and I got Eric to sit. All good so far. Than the woman said 'it's fine, he's not bothering us' and I let Eric go. Big mistake lol.... dog was definitely more interesting than me. No way was Eric going to listen to me. I should have kept him while I had him. I'm fairly sure he would stayed with me. He was focused (and looking for treats haha) Next time I will make sure we do it our way. It's such a learning curve
Well done Eric but you will know next time to go with your instincts and keep Eric with you no matter what anyone else says. We all learn and keep learning throughout our dogs lives xx
Please don't go on a guilt trip re this , we all make mistakes , some of us make lots of mistakes ! Its always our fault though, not the dogs , they just behave as they have been taught to , please don't worry over this , sounds like he was pretty good really
I won't Kate I'll just tick it off my mental list of things not to do haha He was a good boy but I'll def go with my instincts next time. Puppy classes start this week .. time to work on our lead walking
Don't forget that "the person who never makes a mistake, never makes anything"! We learn very well from our mistakes