Hi. I have a 12 year old Goldie, Misty and a yellow lab, Billy, age 19 months, who we rehomed three months ago. Billy has a fabulous temperament and his general obedience is great and he gets on great with Misty. His main problem is reacting to other dogs on leads. He is not nasty but over friendly and I've been working really hard with the training, getting him to focus on me and 'it's only a dog' and stalking dogs on leads in our village to get him to calm down when he sees another dog. He's a work in progress and is much improved!
Welcome to you CrissyB from me (Mags), my pet Lab Tatze (2 years old) and Guide Dog puppy Twiglet (19 weeks Lab/GR)
Hi and welcome from me and Juno, my 15 month old chocolate girl. Sounds as if Billy I doing well with his training. We would love to see some photos
Hi and welcome to the forum from Fred and me. Fred is a black lab and is 18month old. I am sure you will enjoy the forum.
Misty and Billy having cuddles! Thanks Boogle and Maccied,Billy is a withdrawn Guide Dog puppy ( was called Ford). Fab photos! won't le me post photos!
Hi Crissy and welcome to the forum from me and my two, Willow and Shadow, who are fourteen months. To post photos, you need to use a file sharing site like Photobucket, Flickr or, my personal favourite, Imgur and then paste in the BBCode (which looks like [ IMG]...myphoto.jpg[/IMG]) into your message on here. Hope that helps!
Hello,nice to see you here....We have Dexter a yellow 3 year old boy.....he is reactive on lead to other dogs but for different reasons to your boy ....Dex is quite highly strung and nervous when an on lead dog shows interest in him .....I've put a lot of work into helping him ( and me) deal with it ,we looked pretty awful walking along at one point..... Best Wishes Angela
Hello and welcome. Poppy is also very keen to meet others. we are off to training class this evening and we already know we will have to work in the naughty corner
Here's a link to a thread that tells you how to do it with Imgur: http://thelabradorforum.com/forum/i...hnical-help/259807-posting-a-photo-from-imgur and from Flickr: http://thelabradorforum.com/forum/i...elp/238913-posting-a-photo-from-flickr-update