Stay .. Reward

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rocky-mum, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    Rocky is doing good with Stay( I have sit cue followed by hand signal when I go back) . Once I go back, I give him recall cue and then treat.

    I recently saw a video which says to reward fhem in their original position . So, I think I am doing it wrong. Now , I need to go back to begining and small steps back , treat like video said and then build distance?
  2. UncleBob

    UncleBob Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Sep 20, 2013
    It's not that you've done anything wrong (the important thing is that Rocky doesn't break his Stay until you release him, and giving a recall cue could be one way of doing that).

    However, if you want to reward the Stay (and you very much do want to do this to encourage the behaviour) then you need to help Rocky link the behaviour with the reward (the risk at the moment is that the reward is linked with the recall). The simplest way to do this is to reward him while he is in the Stay position - take care not to encourage him to break the Stay while you give the reward. You could also use a clicker to mark the Stay and then reward.

    A good guide to this is Kikopup's video :
  3. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there,I replied but my iPad was just hanging on 'working' so Uncle Bob beat me to it...I had pretty much written what he said .....
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Hi there...I can't see the video....I'm just buffering and I'm not completely sure if I understand you right...when you say you go back and then give the recall cue?I'm a novice training my first dog .When I started training my 'stay'' I always rewarded in position and then used my release cue 'ok' .The danger of using your recall to bring your dog in for a reward would be that you are breaking your 'stay' by delivering another cue ...and your dog will understand he's being rewarded for the recall not the stay. My dog is now 3 and I do put him in a sit/stay or down/stay and walk away from him some considerable distance and recall him but he's got a strong stay now.
    Angela x
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Ack,it's posted now....I've e got the gremlins in i think! .....sorry to be confusingly!
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I agree that the recall cue can be seen to be a release in your example. But recalling a dog off a stay (at first) can make the stay less secure, because they start anticipating the recall cue. So I mostly return to my dog before giving a release. I also feed him in position (but I don't click a stay, only a release).

    I do think that Kikopup video is ok for dogs that "work through the click" - if your dog thinks the click is the end of the requested behaviour, it would be fine for them to move on the click. I do feed a stay in position, but I don't click, apart from on the release (unless I use a click as a release).
  7. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Not sure if this helps but in our obedience class we're being taught two different cues; wait and stay. When we use the 'wait' cue it is always followed but another cue (e.g. recall) but when we use the 'stay' cue, we must always return to our dog and end the exercise before continuing onto something else.

    A practical example is when you're going through a door at home. If you're going for a walk you ask them to 'wait', you go through the door then call them after you. If you're just popping out to the bin, you ask them to 'stay' as you will come back to them in their original position and reward them.
  8. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Hi guys,

    This is really helpful. My pup is just 10 weeks today so keeping it fairly simple. I have her waiting for her food, and various treats (usually just kibble) and have worked up to having them on the ground before telling her she can have them and her wolfing them up. I am now working on stay and had the same dilemma as 'Rocky-mum': how do I reward her from all the way over here/there/wherever I get to.

    SO, I will now try this: walk back over to reward the stay and when we progress the wait from food to other situations I will reward her when she does the action I am asking her to do. Is that right?.

    I am finding these little training sessions (just five minutes here and there) really great. So far we have a recall, sit, wait, lie down and i'm working on stay (and obviously extending the others). Our garden is quite small so although I have done a bit of heel work I think we might have to wait until she has had her next round of injections so she can go out. My husband is also working on fetch but she hasn't quite got the hang of this game yet.

    Any other useful things to work on now? I'm struggling with 'give' as it is so hard not to use it before she actually gives me the thing I want (and i'm usually wrestling with a crocodile here (that was a previous post)).

  9. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I use Stay when I want Juno to stay in a position (either a sit or a down) when I move away whether I intend a recall or will be returning to her. I use Wait for a stop when we are approaching the kerb (if we had any!!) before crossing a road. I only ask for a sit to cross a road when we are at traffic lights in town.
  10. FoxyLady

    FoxyLady Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2014
    East Devon
    useful things to work on - I really recommend starting on the clicker heel (off lead) - a small area is perfect to start with - I don't know how to do the link but its on the Labrador website. Make the heel position a really rewarding place to be will give you a big head start when you go out.
  11. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    I have started training stay. My initial thought was to use pippa's advice on sit means " sit untill I release" , that might not work for us since he gets asked to so often , everyone will not remember to release him. Stay is going well now for small distance. I go back to him to reward. Thank you so much everyone for inputs. It helped!!

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