Afraid of the dark

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Chico, Oct 11, 2015.

  1. Chico

    Chico Registered Users

    Oct 11, 2015
    I have a 1yr old male lab who is afraid to go out after dark in order to relieve himself. He has actually stood by the back door and urinated on the carpet, while I stood and watched him, without any undue concern. I would be most grateful for any suggestions which would remedy this malady.
    With thanks
  2. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Has this fear of the dark suddenly started or has he always been afraid of the dark ? Is there anything you can think of that may have happened to cause him to be afraid to go out in the dark ? Do you go out with him or are you just letting him out ? What is his reaction to going for a walk in the dark with his lead on ? Sorry I've just realised all I've done is ask a big list of questions. :)

    If this behaviour has come on suddenly and there is nothing you can think of that could have caused this fear it might be worth having his eyes checked. He is only young so it's not likely but my old lab became reluctant to go out in the dark when his eyesight started to get poor. Otherwise you have to make outside in the dark exciting and fun. Maybe take him out just before it goes properly dark when it is still light enough for him to go out willingly and play ball or whatever he enjoys until it is dark with lots of very tasty treats. Do that for a few days then go out a bit later so it's slightly darker and repeat until you've built up to going out in the dark. Hopefully he will start to associate dark with fun and tasty treats.

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