Hi, I am aware that puppies shouldn't be allowed on the ground before their vaccinations are complete, this is normally around 12 weeks if I'm correct? I am currently living in a flat, it has nice open grassy space outside however this is where other people in my block take their dogs too, so to avoid contact with other dogs (and where they toilet) I will be unable to take the puppy outside to be toilet trained until it's vaccinations are in full effect. I did want to avoid training the puppy to use pads as I think it'll cause confusion when I try to teach it to toilet outside, however I don't see any other option. Has anyone got any advice? I should also mention that the puppy will not be left alone in a flat all day, we'll have time off work at first, a dog walker and my mother in law only works half a week so she will come over and watch the puppy too.
A tricky one. I would think that it would be better for him to learn where to toilet and experience smells and texture of the grass than be confined to the flat for weeks.
Tricky indeed. The risk of Parvo etc is too high to take the pup out to dog-busy areas. It would be 13 weeks or even 14 as most vets say 1 or 2 weeks after the last vaccination.
I'd have a word with your vet - the risk factors depend so much on your local area, and the other dog owners around you. In my area, the vast majority of pets are vaccinated and barely any puppy will be out and about before its vaccinations are complete. It's just that kind of area.....but parvo is present in the local fox population, and we are overrun with foxes, including in my back garden. The risk from parvo in foxes vastly outweighed the risk of my puppy getting parvo from other pet dogs. I still let him in the garden.... Plus, if you really want to protect your puppy from all risks, you need a hugely elaborate procedures of shoes disinfected at the door and so on. So, I can't give a view on what you should do, but be informed by your local risk factors and your vet is the best person to advise you on that.
Looks like you are in same situtation as I , when I brought Rocky home . I did get pee pads / grass patch porty to be used it the balcony but soon found it was more hassle than convinience . Rocky would find a place just outside the pad/ rain would spoil my pads . Once I went to the Vet and she did some research on our apartment and surroundings , she said limited exposure on grass should be fine . Our apartment requires shot records for pets and there are no wild animals around . I still used caution and found a place where no one takes their dog. Believe me here in the US apartments atleast, every dog owner has a path which they follow and never stray from it . So,my detective work gave me the secure patch which noone ever visited . I could not believe how fast the potty training went after that . he loved going there and I said bye bye to all pads and parches .. Huh what a relief .