Lead Dragging

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by SteffiS, Oct 27, 2015.

  1. SteffiS

    SteffiS Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2015
    Fife, Scotland
    Having had quite a lot of success with tackling pulling forward on the lead Ripple is now trying a new tactic. He pulls back on the lead to either look at something on the ground or something / someone behind him. He ignores treats when offered or tries to snatch them and carry on with what he wants to do. This also often culminates in him laying down and anchoring himself to the ground until he's ready to move on.
    I'm not really sure what approach to take, standing still merely gives him what he wants and if I try to move forward I'm just yanking on the lead which I don't think is beneficial to either of us. I've tried to up the value of the treats (dried sprats) but that just increases his snatching at my hand.

    I think I need to go back in my training but I'm not quite sure where to? At the moment it's a battle of wills I feel I'm losing.
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Ah sometimes it can feel a bit like hard work ,we've all been there.....Does he pull back at a certain point in the walk?Sometimes when it is so hot I will cut a walk short and if it's below Dexter's expectations he will stop and stand still when we turn for home! When he was younger,he would not budge......throwing a treat in front of him straight to the ground wouldn't get him going but throwing one up high and saying 'get it' excitedly would start him off .....I questioned this though as I didn't want him to have a reward when he was stood still which is in effect what was happening....he'd move towards the treat ,great ,but then stand still to eat it so Inused my clicker to mark him stepping off somhe knew the reward was for forward motion.I also used to turn and face him and walk backwards encouraging him towards me using my 'cure all attention grabbing sucky noise' then as he was moving I'd treat stream him to get him going and we would proceed . Now he's older,'heel' and a thigh pat more often than not gets him moving and he gets a treat as soon as he is in motion ......
  3. SteffiS

    SteffiS Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2015
    Fife, Scotland
    It always coincides with something or someone that is more interesting than me, and I'm not having much success at making myself so exciting that he gives up on what has distracted him.
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    I guess lead walking by nature is not as exciting as off lead walking ....so something new coming along is bound to create interest ....I know I'm not as exciting to Dexter on lead as I am off lead! Food is always our friend,unless he is stressed by a reactive dog I can get his attention with something tasty Is Ripple food motivated ? If he is I'd really up your treats and see if that makes a difference...
    I do try and keep Dexter engaged on his lead walks,it's not the games and fun we have off lead but we practice 'proper' heel rather than just a loose lead , stop/sit ,stop/lie down , hand touches ,spins /twists .......jump over bushes i things that help focus and if the need arises can keep you moving...l

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