What am I doing wrong?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Wren48, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Hi Wren48,

    About three weeks ago I remember my husband coming home from work and me running upstairs in tears distraught, thinking my pup hated me, sobbing my heart out and writing the EXACT same post that you have just written.

    whenever she was awake she was causing chaos. I remember reading advice about 'swapping your arm for a toy' and thinking how does that work when she is clamped on so tight. And 'have a toy to hand' is all well and good but you always run out of toys eventually. Tatti used to take the toy then casually walk to the dining table, drop the toy and start chewing the furniture again.

    Let me tell you though that IT WILL improve, and it will happen soon. Tatti is now 14 weeks and although she still loves a nice chomp of the coffee table, and i'll be honest, she is a big fan of shoe laces too BUT she hasn't grabbed my arm for a good while now. she still mouths a lot and very very occasionally will try to pull at my sleeve but generally she is so much better (and my consumption of wine and gin have gone back to 'normal' levels).

    Of all of the advice I found saying 'ouch', getting up and ignoring her worked best for the arm biting (leaving the room if you can), and pretending that I was having so much fun with one of her chew toys has always worked to get her away from the tables. It is still quite tiring sometimes, but it is so much easier than it was.

    Being able to go out for walks (from 12 weeks for us) seems to have made the biggest difference, I think she just had so much energy and I struggled to know when I should play or when she was over excited. Once you are more confident that they are getting structured exercise it does help you (psychologically) to enforce quiet time. The only way I used to calm my pup down was to let her sit on my lap but as i'm sure you know, do this at the wrong time and you have a crocodile stuck to your jumper. Now she gets walks, I don't mind popping her I her pen, once I know she has toileted for an hour or so and now she is quite happy to go in there (sometimes she even takes herself off with a little sigh - its adorable).

    One other thing I have noticed is that when it is getting on for poo time or meal time she tends to be at her worst. It has helped me to recognise when to take her out for the loo too. Not sure what that is about :-/

    Hang in there - you are doing a great job and it will improve...soon.

    And don't feel bad for losing your temper, yes she is only a puppy but you are only human. The fact that you are reflecting on it and wanting to find ways around it tells me she is one lucky pup :)

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