Since Murphy died Maisie has been sleeping on our bed with us. Before we moved and she still had her crate she would occasionally sleep in it, but since we have moved house and she hasn't had a crate she has slept on our bed every night. We have known for a while that it isn't something we should be allowing on a regular basis- we've decided only at weekends- and tonight is the first night I have shut her downstairs. she is currently half whining and half heartedly barking at the bottom of the stairs behind the babygate I guess I just have to wait it out? We know we are going to get another pup in the near future and we will want her downstairs with it so it settles better so that is why we thought we should get her used to it now but I hate it I like having snuggles with her
Have your dog on your bed - it's better for you and it's better for the dog. You are happier with the dog on your bed, the dog is happier being on your bed. What's the problem? If you get another puppy, it can sleep on your bed too. The only problem I can see with this is that at some point, you'll need a bigger bed.
Lol that made me laugh Julie. Yes but at some point in the near future we also want to have a baby so I don't think it's practical. I'm conscious that Maisie is very cuddly and clingy with me and I worry a little that when I have a baby she will be a bit jealous and difficult to manage. I do like her on my bed though...
I'm a great believer in: "worry about that when it happens"....and: "life is short, have your dog on you bed when you can". (I just made that one up, like it though ).
What Julie said. Just have her on the bed and eventually get a bigger bed if you need it. Make her sleep down the foot end of the bed if you want. Then you can cuddle the future baby up the pillow end. Dogs want to be with their people and it's natural for them to want to sleep as a group with their family members too. While I perfectly understand that not everyone wants a dog in their bedroom or on their bed, it is what your dog wants and it will make their life better if you are willing to accommodate it.
Anyway, don't babies have to be in cots so they don't get squished by the dogs or something like that? Thought I read that somewhere....
Oh definitely, you shouldn't sleep with the baby in the bed. But for breastfeeding or whatnot the baby will probably be allowed on the bed at times
When our first dog, Murphy, turned one he started sleeping with us, I loved having him with us. Then we adopted Misty and discovered she snored like a freight train. We tried them both back in the kitchen, Murphy fussed for a couple of nights, and then settled no problems, but I missed my cuddles, so they ended up back on the bed they came. When Murphy passed in May, Misty remained upstairs, but now we have Jake she's back in the kitchen until the house training progresses. I think once Jake is holding all night he'll be upstairs with her again, but we have a super king bed so plenty room.
I've only let Ella sleep on our bed a couple of times when my OH has been away. I have to say, we both slept pretty well but there was one uncomfortable moment when we both opened our eyes to find our noses a couple of mm apart! I think we were both a little startled! We live in a single storey house and Ella sleeps in the laundry which is just down the hallway from our bedroom door. She seems pretty happy there (she often takes herself off to bed when she's tired at night) and it suits us so we don't see a need to change at the moment. However, if it wasn't working we'd probably consider letting her sleep in our room.
Well after half an hour of whines and puppy barks (even though she is one and has a deep bark when she wants!) I ended up letting her up with us. It was funny because she was obviously aware she had to be good and so curled up tiny at the bottom whereas usually she's right between us. Yea I think il worry about it when it comes to it. Me and Maisie always wake up nose to nose and I love it!
Hehe, good stuff. Well done, Maisie! Babies are tiny, so I'm sure there's room in there for breastfeeding. Cuddles with all the family! If it was just Willow, I'm sure we'd have her on the bed by now. But not with Shadow, "Pushy McWrigglebum"
I think you are asking rather a lot of a dog for it to recognise that it can only sleep on your bed at weekends. Bit confusing for the poor beast. Tip for the future. Babies are equally indiscriminate about weekends. It is everybody's choice, but my dogs always sleep downstairs. It is how I sold my husband on another dog after the last one died. Molly is our 'Head of Security'
Murphy before he died only slept on our bed at the weekend or when we randomly wanted him to. He never expected to come up and would stay on the sofa without any babygate on the stairs but then when we wanted him up with us we would just say come on then and he would come up and snuggle at the end of the bed. I think I'm going to keep Maisie up with us as I'm missing Murphy loads at the mo and I really like her cuddling up to me. Maisie would be a rubbish head of security lol she is a wimp!!
Harley sleeps with us and personally I love it We even went and got a king size bed earlier this year to accommodate her and to give us a bit more room. When we get another one they will also probably be on our bed It's down to what makes you happy xx
Ah be kind to yourselves and have the dog on the bed. Thinking back to new baby time it would have been fine. Lizzie was in a little cot attached to the side of our bed but later on we put a low barrier in place once she was moving to stop her rolling into our bed so whilst if a dog wanted to get in her cot it could have that barrier would probably have been enough to be able to train them to stay out of her side.
I like nothing more than having Charlie next to my pillow - it's pure luxury to cuddle up to my dog, and I can't see any reason to deprive myself or my dog of that. OH feels even more strongly about it - when Charlie was recovering from his second op, my OH moved the furniture out of the breakfast room, put up a tent, and slept on the floor with Charlie. For 3 months. IMG_1372 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr