Diatomaceous Earth for parasites!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Newpuppymom, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Diatomaceous Earth for parasites!

    Hi Newpuppymom

    I have deleted commercial links from one of your posts, and would appreciate it, if you would avoid posting links to commerce sites in the future.

    However, I actually think DE is quite interesting. I have found a small clinical trial regarding reduction in blood cholesterol levels, but unfortunately I don’t have time to dig further at the moment.

    Just a couple of points

    The fact that silica is an important mineral, does not mean we need to consume it in any significant quantities in order to be healthy!

    This is not a logical conclusion

    Just because a substance is effective in one respect, does not logically mean it will be effective in another.

    If silica from DE does enter the blood stream, that does not mean to say that it enters the blood stream in the same form as it takes whilst travelling through your intestines. Nor does it mean that the dose necessary to eradicate roundworms in the intestines is sufficient to generate blood levels which might eradicate a parasite living in the bloodstream or in any organs reached by the silica in the DE that you have ingested.

    Just swallowing a load of DE and assuming that you will have an effective dose (whatever that may be) circulating in your bloodstream to kill of all parasites, is complete fantasy.

    I would like to reiterate, that I have not yet seen any evidence, at all, that DE might be effective against lungworm.

    Nor have I seen any evidence that it is effective against tapeworm.

    This concerns me, because whislt I haven’t seen any evidence that DE is harmful either, alternative medicines can do harm indirectly, if they divert people away from genuine remedies that actually work.

    Failing to worm dogs effectively can have serious consequences, especially when it comes to lungworm.

    It is an interesting topic, and I like to hear of any actual studies, if anyone has links to them. But please, no more links to shops selling DE ;D

  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Diatomaceous Earth for parasites!

    Hiya - oh what fun I have had this evening with Diatomaceous Earth.
    It led me tonight to a 1913 BMJ article about "earth eating" (in times of hardship a paste made of earth can curb your apetite) and along side it in the PDF of the journal "The Health Benefits of an Ass" (don't ask....really don't ask :eek: )
    I found this useful fact-sheet which is from the US but a relatively trustworthy source (I think).


    I think there is still some issue of carcinogenesis if inhaled even with the food grade if its "dusty" (animal studies) and also with irritation and sensitivity on exposure to the eye and skin. I think carcinogen risk is considered "low, but not non-existent" as there seems to have been one study which showed a possible increased risk - no idea on the details as I couldn't find a link to it but it was US based.
    There is a plethora of links to forums and retailers, and also suppliers of the commercial form for industry.
    Lacking in evidence and support for use in humans, and the only article/study I could find related to using it to reduce cholesterol levels - this was moderately succesful in a study of 19 patients ( a VERY small number) in 1998 and rounded off with a comment that further studies were needed - none however that I could find :-\

    Not really much help.
    But now I need my bed - night all!
  3. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013

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