We recently adopted a yellow lab ( Buddy) from the shelter where we got our first yellow lab, Belle. He was surrendered by previous owner after their rent went up due to the puppy. He had been purchased from a puppy store. He is 4 months old... He does not have the black pigment that our Belle has, his nose is pinky brown, and his eyelids and gums are pink, and his eyes are yellowish green..Does this make him a "Dudley?" Thanks! I tried to upload some pics but ran into some difficulty..
Hi and welcome to the forum! Unfortunately the forum 'buttons' give the misleading impression that you can upload photos directly to a post. Unfortunately you can't... You need to put them on a photo sharing site first (like Flickr or similar) then copy and paste the bbcode to add a copy of the pic to your post. If that's confusing head over to the Technical section where there are instructions Buddy does sound like he is a yellow based on chocolate genes rather than black, which is why he has the brown pigment like a choc Labrador instead of the typical black pigment (though many yellow Labs based on black pigment still develop a brownish nose....my dog has). Yellow based on chocolate is what's known as a 'Dudley' though you don't hear the term used much. Basically he's a chocolate Labrador wearing a yellow jacket. He's still 100% Labrador Pretty sad to hear of his previous owners' lack of commitment (and/or lack of planning) but it sounds like Buddy will be much, much better off with you. I'm sure you both have many fun times ahead
Thanks for your reply, finally figured out how to post the pics. Yes, fun times for sure.. He is adorable.. We are working on potty training, it is going fairly well. He doesn't want us to leave his sight.. He hates the crate, I think it was too small,so we got him a puppy pen, which he so cleverly climbed out of last night! He wants to sleep on the couch in our bedroom which is fine with us, but we are getting a bigger crate tomorrow, and we will see how that goes. I downloaded the happy puppy handbook today, and have been reading much of today. We raised a bichon from puppy stage many years ago, so it's been a while since we had a puppy in the house. Belle came to us at 2 yo and is an angel, no training needed for her. I feel like we have a newborn baby again, lol!
He's gorgeous, and a lovely pale gold colour. And well done on mastering the photo uploading thing! Is Belle the other Labrador in the picture? It definitely takes a bit of getting used to, having a new (and especially puppy stage) doggie in the house! They are all different, aren't they Sounds like Buddy has landed on his feet
Ah welcome to the Forum....he has gorgeous colouring ,very unique.It sounds like he's much better off with you ,makes me sad he spent time in a shelter but thanks to wonderful people like you these dogs get a second,better chance x
Hi, welcome from too . What beautiful dogs and Buddy is lucky you have given him and loving forever home.
Hi and welcome from me and Juno, my chocolate girl. Buddy sounds very much like a Labrador puppy . I' m sure you are all going to be very happy .
Hello and welcome to the forum from my two year old golden girl Molly and me, here in the Thames Valley. I think your Buddy is handsome, but then I would as he is so like Molly, pink nose, longish face etc. I had never heard the term Dudley Labrador before so you have taught me something already.
Hello and welcome from me and Lilly, my 5 year old black girl, from Scotland. He looks very serious with his wrinkles. Possibly going to be a big boy? I agree with the others that Buddy has fallen on his feet with you guys. Hope you have loads of fun together.
Wow! What a warm welcome, thanks.. Yes, Belle is the other dog in the pic, she is adjusting well too It's funny, I was never really a "dog" person until we got our Belle.. She is a dream doggie We got her from the same shelter that we got Buddy from, they called us when they received Buddy from the previous owners. We just couldn't say no, lol. We also have two ragdoll brother cats, that tolerate the dogs. The shelter told us on the way out that they will call us when they get the next lab! I don't think they were kidding I have learned so much from this forum.. Thanks to all of you..
Hi and welcome from me and 2 year old fox red girl, Harley. They certainly do change your life, and give so much back
Hi and welcome from us, Hattie 8 years and our rescue boy Charlie 5 years. Wonderful that you have given Buddy a new forever home and isn't he just so gorgeous, lovely little wrinkles xx Helen
Hello and welcome from Poppy and me in Germany. What beautiful dogs - Buddy is very handsome and serious looking, and you can see that Belle is going to be a great role model for him! Lovely to see them both.