Hi there, Tatti (4.5 months) has until last week always slept through the night. From 9 weeks she has gone 7.5 hours at night no problem. However, last week she started waking up at 4:30am and this morning it was a ridiculous 3:10am. We are fairly consistent with bed time (usually between 10 and 11). Usually she will go back to bed for an hour or so once she has been to the loo and had a little kibble but even then she is up before 6. I'm just wondering where this has come from as she had been so good and what I should do? Let her cry? I am now worried she is being rewarded with being let out and given kibble (as I just want to go back to bed) but I don't know what else to do. She has been a bit unwell recently so we've not wanted to leave her in case she really needed the toilet. I don't think the illness is causing it though as the new early wake ups started before she got ill. has this happened to anone else? Any ideas how I get my full nights sleep back? Thanks, Lou and Tatti
Hi, sorry only just read your post. Our boy started to wake up during the night when he got to around the same age as Tatti. We don't give him any food (apart from his two kibble treats when saying 'in your bed' after he has done his business outside). He never did this before, always slept through the night. I know sometimes he refuses to get up and go out before my husband goes to bed now and I think that contributes to this. If I'm up last, which isn't often as my hubby watches his recorded American football all evening , I entice Dexter out with one piece of kibble which I give him only when he joins me in the garden, he usually then get busy eventually and sleeps. Sometimes he just decides he's moving to his crate in the other room. I'm hoping it's an age thing and he'll grow out of it. We do give minimal attention to him when he wakes during the night though. It's wee, poop and back in a crate.
Hi, thanks for your reply. She seems to have stopped now and is back to her 7.5-8 hours through. In hindsight I think it was because she had a bad tummy at the time. I just hadn't connected the dots. Must have been the lack of sleep Thanks again, Lou and Tatti