phew not on my own then. don't dare say stuff like that to some lab owners. I hate the way (in the book) their crap training and lack of understanding of a dog and its needs is played up as Marley being a bad dog. I always end up feeling sorry for Marley and dogs like him, do know a few.
Jolly cross with Ben Fogle anyway, after he responded to recent vet advice not to throw sticks for dogs: “We’ve been warned not to throw sticks for our dogs to prevent injury? I’ve thrown sticks for 35 yrs without a problem. Have sticks changed?”
What a stupid statement. I thought that at least he would appreciate the reasons for not throwing sticks . Not much chance of pet owners paying attention to advice when "celeb" make such statements.
I've seen injuries made with sticks, I don;t throw sticks once you've seen what they can do you never throw them again.