Suddenly peeing in the crate??

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Newpuppymom, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    My pup is 8 month old early August.

    I currently have a crate with a divider. Since there was not much room left on the other side of the divider I took it out to see if he would mess in there.

    The first night went well! The second night (he had his blanket as it was colder too) I got up like I usually do at the same time, same length of time aswell. And there was a puddle in his crate.

    So I put him outside, cleaned the crate, mopped the floors, washed the dog and left him in the garden to dry.

    So I thought, he isn't ready to have the divider to be taken out and so put it back in but with a little less space then before.

    I didn't put a blanket in last night a it was sweltering. Well got up, same time etc and he was standing in a puddle. Sadly I did not notice till he was let out. So fight with other half about the house being destroyed >.<

    I had a lot to clean up this morning!

    So now I have been told to put the dogs crate away from his stuff in another room in case he keeps doing it. Which I understand......

    So now I am wondering, is this going to continue? He isn't desperate for a pee when he does go as there isn't a great deal in there.

    Im gonna get up halfway in night and take him out and take water away at about 9pm like I used to to see if it helps.

    Sigh. what should I expect and has anyone any tips for me?

  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    You could get him checked at the vet for a urinary tract infection - just a possibility. Is he weeing more than normal during the day?

    I'd be expecting at 8 months that he could hold it through the night.
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    Is he reliable in the house generally by now? If so, I wouldn't have thought the crate divider had anything to do with it as he should see the house as his den. So agree with Rachel, if he was previously dry overnight, and suddenly not, I'd look a bit wider at other possible causes.
  4. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    He is reliable 100% and has been since about 5 month.

    It is since I took the divider out. He has not done it in his crate since about 3 months
  5. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    It might have happened at the same time as you took the divider out, but that doesn't mean taking the divider out caused it - I suppose it's possible, but doesn't it seem a bit odd to you? If he doesn't pee in the rest of the room that that crate is in, why he should pee in a slightly bigger crate? Still, who knows how their furry minds work? Perhaps have him checked out, just in case.
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    Maybe also put the divider back in tonight to see what happens. It could have been the sudden change to his familiar environment.... If he still wees I'd get him checked out by the vet.

    If only they could talk, eh? :)
  7. Newpuppymom

    Newpuppymom Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2013
    Re: Suddenly peeing in the crate??

    Divider was back in and crate was moved to another room. I got up at 5pm and took him out and then again at 9pm and no accidents. He didn't really need to pee that much.

    Stopped giving liquids past 10pm too

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