depressed? Thoughts?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rocky-mum, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    I have been wondering about this for a while now. I checked with Rocky's vet, she does not think it is a problem . Rocky has always been a calm puppy, hardly barked/whined, bitting was a bit of a problem initially, nothing unmanageable , which stopped completely by the time he was 5 months. Now, I do not feel his behavior is normal for 7 month old puppy.

    To give details about his schedule- he gets 30 min walk in the morning, on and off-leash near our apartment. He is happy and runs around being crazy, comes when called . Then we go to work at 8 , he goes to crate . Dog walker comes twice , taking him out for short walks/pee breaks . We are back home by 5 and he gets evening walk , dinner and sleeps . He gets his kongs/chews in crate during his day and sleep all the time when we are out. He does not pull much on lead, never chews on things which are not his toys. I am worried he is depressed being in apartment and no garden to run around. I feel like I have an adult dog!! he still has not started cocking his leg for pee/humping things so does it mean he is still a puppy and will be active once reached adolescence? Sorry for the long essay had to write it ;)
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    I suppose they are all different. I do think there is a lot to be said for bringing up a calm puppy though! And I wouldn't complain about him not pulling on the lead. :) That's several months of your life saved, not having to sort it out. :)

    My dog doesn't run about in the garden, he did as a puppy, but it's a small garden and no long holds much interest for him - the same old patch of grass and shrubs is not interesting to him. Even though he is a high energy dog generally, he is quite low energy when he is doing very familiar, routine things - walking round the local streets for example. I wonder if Rocky would be more stimulated if he had new things to do? New places to go, or new activities etc. ?

    Might be worth a try at least? See how you get on.

    What might float his boat, do you think? Or what opportunities are around you?
  3. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    I don't think dogs need a garden particularly. We have a big garden, but Poppy only really uses it to pee, unless we throw dummies for her...

    But maybe at the weekend you could take him to a training class or similar, to keep him stimulated?
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    I wouldn't complain about having a quiet calm dog, he sounds rather like Juno who has always been very calm and quiet. If you're concerned about him not being able to play in a garden perhaps you could take him out somewhere more exciting at the weekend, the beach if within distance, or a nice park, or woods/forest anywhere really that is some where new or different. I always aim to take Juno out in the car somewhere different a couple of times a week just so that our walks are more fun and interesting.
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Dogs can happily live in an apartment provided the humans arrange outdoor entertainment. My dog is in the house most of the time, not out in the yard - we might as well be in an apartment as far as he's concerned.

    But I do agree that it might be worth thinking about new places to take Rocky, even if just on the weekends. Are his weekends any different to his weekdays?
  6. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Well, this is a new twist on things the usual complaint is that puppies have too much energy.

    Molly has access to our garden. In the summer months we leave the back door open for her and in the winter she asks to go out.

    Despite having open access she prefers to spend her time indoors with us.

    I assume it's a case of what the dog is brought up to expect.
  7. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    They are all so very different , my last Lab girl Tess was a bundle of energy from the off until just before we lost her , a bouncy OTT girl . Sam was always a serious puppy who turned into a calm quiet lad who only shows excitement at children or retrieving , I also had him checked at the Vets as we were convinced there must be something wrong with him ;) I certainly go with the idea of different places , keeps them stimulated .
  8. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    thank you so much everyone for replying so quick. For morning walks , I do take him to different parks here( limited option , but I try) and lots of training , we are member of kikopups trick a week program , it is so much fun:) Then 11 and 2 dog walker walks are either drive to their place to play with their dogs/ walk near apartment and few training. then I come home, I take him with me everywhere I go, daycare pickup , startbucks . Weekends are usually exploring new places or going for hike . Though I definately can not say he gets as much fun as other dogs here who have free roaming in woods, I think we are doing the best we can . With on leash policy and dogs not allowed anywhere , wish there was more to do. Dog parks are out of equation since he is not neautered. His outside behavior is good , energetic and playful( still does not get into much mischief , as soon as he is on leash, happily walks along. But, I am concerned about his in-home behaviour, he sleeps his time home, even if crate door is open. Even when I am awake doing my chores/ my toddler is running around !! he never steals food /chews furniture or anything.. I am not complaining, but want to make sure It is normal too. Seems Labradors are not usually like that!! He is my first ever dog so no clue . Thank you for hearing me out
  9. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    Just thought to add- Temperature here has dropped in the range of 1F to 10F( -25 degree celcius Range?) does it make a difference?
  10. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Well it sounds to me that Rocky has a lovely life with you, what a lucky boy he is :) He is still a puppy so he will sleep a lot, he also sounds like a content calm, well mannered and behaved boy. There are a few Labrador owners on the forum that have calm puppies and dogs, I would be pleased not worried. Don't worry so much you are doing a great job. xx :)
  11. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Stop worrying. He is a perfectly normal Labrador pup, just because he's not chewing everything in sight, stealing food etc. etc. does not mean he's not normal. Juno was never a bitey pup, has never stolen food, or chewed anything she shouldn't who was happy from day one to go in her crate, never fussed in the car etc. etc. you have a happy, content, calm dog - enjoy :D:D
  12. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Don't worry - it sounds like he is a lovely boy. My two have never really been chewers. Willow chewed the door frame a bit when she was a young puppy, and chewed/scratched the plaster on a particular piece of wall a few times when we were out, but that was it. No real destruction like some pups. Any paper or cardboard was fair game when younger - once she ripped up a €10 note! - but that was really it.

    Both puppies slept a lot during the day, and still do. I work at home and so see what they get up to most of the day - snoozing is definitely high on their list of priorities, even now at 17 months.

    I also live in an apartment - we have a largeish terrace they can go out on, and Willow likes to lay out there when it's warm, but generally, they want to be close to me. I don't think it makes any real difference whether they live in an apartment or a house; they need plenty of time away from the monotony of home in either case. It sounds like you're providing that for Rocky :)
  13. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Do you play much with Rocky? If you tempted him out of his crate with a new exciting toy, and a silly game, would he come?
  14. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    Doug was like this he was a great puppy and and even better dog, just wonderful enjoy it. but silly games are fun. Even a Dog like dog loves silly games, we still play them now he's 14. They all love silliness
  15. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Hehe, silliness is the best and we still do plenty of that. The best fun is to open the bedroom door in the morning and to have them jump on J to wake him up, then roll around having belly rubs and playing bitey-face (their face/mouth, my hand). J tends to spend the time squeaking as they walk all over his boy-bits. Fun for all the family! Except, maybe, J.... ;)
  16. Rocky-mum

    Rocky-mum Registered Users

    Oct 1, 2015
    Thank you so much for all the input. Sounds like Rocky is doing fine:) JulieT : He comes running to play when/ If I show him a toy:) I do bot play much at home though. Once I am home, I start doing my chores and he lies down wherever I am and snoozes. He like belly rubs so comes to me time to time and puts my hand on his tummy;)If I am sitting down , sleeps on my lap . Then, pays by himself with his toys .
  17. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Well, if he'll play with you when invited, it just sounds as though he has learned to snooze while you do your chores. That's a good thing. :)
  18. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Sounds like he has a lovely life and that he is just the kind of boy who knows how to settle down and chill. My first dog was like that :)
  19. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    We do that too! Ella leaps on the bed and pushes herself all the way under the covers next to the OH before standing up and trying to do zoomies under the covers! Funniest thing ever!

  20. SwampDonkey

    SwampDonkey Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    leicestershire uk
    He sounds a adorable little chap he just likes to be with you even if your doing chores

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