Hungry, or just a typical Labrapig?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Saba's Boss, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Saba's Boss

    Saba's Boss Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2015
    Coastal Essex
    Saba is now 5 months old, weighing in at about 22kgs. We attend a monthly puppy clinic where he is measured, weighed, checked all over, and has his condition assessed. At a previous check, Saba was a little over-weight for his age, so I was advised to drop his daily food ration from 450g to 390g. This reduction brought him back to where he 'should' be according to various growth charts, and he's in very good shape and condition.

    We were at clinic again a week or two ago, and I was advised to keep his daily food intake at 390g, but he seems to be hungry. I feed him three times a day, 100g each time in an anti-gulp bowl, using the other 90g during the day for training/bribing (he's a dreadful thief!). If I have to leave him for an hour or two, he has a Bonio or similar, and for a rare big treat, he'll have a split marrow bone. We don't hand feed him leftovers, but lately, he's taken to begging and drooling, in the kitchen, at the table, when the shopping arrives, whenever I go to the larder/fridge/cupboards, you get the idea. Anything food related. Is he likely to be hungry, or is he just trying it on, so to speak? Also, since he hit the five-month mark, he's become more of a handful with his behaviours; selectively deaf, easily distracted, destructive, and vocal. Is this puppy puberty? He's the puppy equivalent of Kevin or Perry!

    I'm keen to get on top of this before we go away and Saba (rightly or wrongly) goes into Kennels for 10 days. Where's my lovely puppy gone, and will he be back?!:confused::confused:
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Oh I do like your name for him , Labrapig :):):):) I`m afraid you have a typical dustbin of a Lab , they truly are the most greedy of dogs and it doesn't improve with age either :) My lad is coming up to five years old and is seemingly always hungry ! And yes , five/six months old is when our little darlings become more challenging , sorry ! Its sometimes a case of going back to basics , or at least a refresher course of training . I don't think training ever truly finishes , but needs to be topped up and incorporated into daily activities and walks .
    Saba's Boss and pippa@labforumHQ like this.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, it is difficult to know for sure how dogs feel when it comes to hunger. What you can be sure of is that almost every labrador ever born, is almost always hungry. ;)

    At least they think they are

    It is really important to base your feeding regime on what your dog looks and feels like. Rather than how he behaves. Many growing puppies will eat almost constantly if allowed to and will beg and drool until they discover that they never get fed when they are doing this.
    It is really hard to resist those puppy pleading eyes, but hang on in there

    With regard to behavior he is becoming more independent, that's normal. And he is learning what works. So if barking works (makes things change) he'll bark more. And many labs are at their most destructive in the last few months of the first year.

    This article will help you with selective deafness
    How to cure selective deafness
    Here's one on feeding
    And one on chewing
    Saba's Boss likes this.
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    The only thing I would add to the great advice already given is regarding the food - re-calculate the amount of kibble each month following Saba's weigh in to ensure that he is getting the right amount. Also remember if he has any other treats i.e. the bonio biscuit reduce his daily kibble allowance to off set the extra.
    Saba's Boss likes this.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    I asked exactly the same when Tatze was that age - I was about to increase her food but our trainer said she was getting chunky and I should decrease it!

    'But she's always hungry' was my reply - of course she explained Labs always are hungry lol!

    Here is an excellent chart to go by -

    Saba's Boss likes this.
  6. Saba's Boss

    Saba's Boss Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2015
    Coastal Essex
    Many thanks for all your helpful replies and reassurance. At the moment, Saba is a green dog (or squashed mouse!), so does that make him a mint chocolate Labrapig? ;)
    snowbunny likes this.

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