hi :-)

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by CaptainVimes, Mar 19, 2012.

  1. CaptainVimes

    CaptainVimes Guest

    Hi, :)

    I'm a 36 year old Mum of two, my Daughter is 13 in August, and my Son is 10 in July. (my word they've grown!) We live in Cannock, Staffordshire with my most wonderful Fiancé and a wonderful menagerie. :)

    I have joined the forum because after 8 years of begging and pleading him to let me have one, my Fiancé fell in love with my Parents' Labrador on Tuesday last week, and has been enquiring into what having a dog as a pet entails ever since! *insert biggest grin in the universe*

    At first he joined a forum for no specific breed, most of them advised no labs and definitely no puppies for a first time ever dog. They all advised him to get a Staffy, I wasn't keen, I was even contemplating telling him to forget the idea. I simply don't like them, no offence to anyone who owns one, I just don't like them. :(

    We finally agreed on a Labrador puppy, he wasn't pushed into it by me, he realised they're too gorgeous and have the best temperament etc, and he felt that a puppy would be better to settle into our family, and grow up with our cat Oscar, than bringing in a rescue dog with unknown background, not knowing if it will rip Oscar to pieces. (my friend's cat was literally ripped to pieces by her neighbour's mongrel of a thing last year, very upsetting and nerve wracking)

    I retrieved the details of my parents' lab breeder and phoned them to find out if they were still breeding, (Katy is 11.5 years old ATM) and when their next litter was due.

    They are mating their chocolate girly doggy with a black boy doggy from a different breeder next week, she said if successful pups will be born some time in July. We are excited, but trying not to be, just in case something doesn't go to plan. I am aware that it could be September before we can bring one home, but it gives us 6 months of purchasing all the equipment that we need to have a dog in our family. :)

    Simon has realised today, that he has to rehome his turtles. At present they are in a 6ft x 4ft x 2ft tall ponId (yes, a POND!) in our dining room, we've been told Labradors can jump up to four foot high. A higher than four foot protection just won't be feasible, plus Simon wouldn't see his turtles, plus he'll struggle when it comes to cleaning them every week. I'm really quite surprised that he has gone from saying "no!" before I even finished the sentence/question, to being sooooooo excited about getting one! :) :)

    Simon has never had personal experience with a dog, other than one "going for him" when he was younger, that really put him off for life. (or so we thought! ;) )

    I have lived with dogs all my life, apart from the last 8 years. ,When I lived at home, there was Suzy, Sally and Suzy (II) - Sisters, (they both passed away (not at same time, Suzy lived longer than Sally) after I left) and now Katy.

    In 1996, I adopted a WBCX, (I wanted a Labrador, but my ex insisted on the breed HE wanted *sigh* ) she was 6-9 months old, and a complete nutter, she could scale a 6ft fence! Unfortunately, I had to rehome her when my ex forged my signature and sold my house from underneath me. (the ONLY private rental that would take on a single parent on benefits put their foot down and said no pets, especially not a dog :( ) :( From 2004, until now, I have pined for a doggy. I have taken on many animals to try and fill the void, but all were unsuccessful.

    Now my wonderful man is agreeing to inviting a dog into our family! A dream come true! Especially now he also wants a Labrador, as a puppy too! :)

    Well, that's a different introduction! "innit?" lol ;)

    I look forward to meeting you all! :)
  2. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: hi :)

    Hello! welcome to the gang :D you'll find loads of useful stuff here in the articles and the threads on the forum including what to look for in a puppy.

    my lab can scale a 5ft fence without thinking about it and of course they generally adore water so it sounds like a good plan to lose the indoor pond. Good luck with everything and don't be shy about posting for help it's why we're all here.

  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: hi :)

    Hi there and welcome!

    It is great that you are planning so well in advance, you will be very well prepared when the big day comes. Look forward to hearing how it all goes :D :D

  4. Rocketman

    Rocketman Lab Technician Forum Supporter

    May 11, 2011
    Re: hi :)


    I have a chocolate lab and I would happily recommend them to anyone. Wonderful dogs.
  5. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: hi :)

    Hello and welcome . So pleased that a Labrador is coming into your life :) My own children and grandchildren have been brought up with Springers and Labs, the latter being such wonderful family dogs , an excellent choice :)
  6. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: hi :)

    Hi and welcome! A lab is a great choice for a family pet- how exciting for you!

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