Potty training issue

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Deidra, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Deidra

    Deidra Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2016
    I regulate Castiels water in take to help with house training(like I did with Mia) and that doesnt seem to be helping. He seems to just go and doesn't give any signs that he has to go. No sniffing around or anything. He will be walking and just instantly stop and pee. He pees a lot as well! I will take his water away an hour before bedtime and then take him out right before bed and he will end up peeing in his crate 3-4Xs a night. even when I put the divider in his crate he would still pee in there. I told my vet about it and she didnt seem worried. But to me that seems a little excessive? Any tips?
  2. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Castiels is only 9-10 weeks old so a very young puppy and I certainly wouldn't expect him to have much or even any bladder control as yet or expect him to give any signals that he needs to go. The general advice is to take them out for toileting every 10 - 45 minutes to begin with and gradually extend the time. You also need to take him out when he's had a nap, after playing, after eating. Every time he has a wee lots of praise and some treats and he'll soon get the idea and you will also start to recognised his signals.. Also if he is crated without a puppy pent night he will need to be taken out for at least one wee and possibly two until his bladder is bigger and stronger.

    Make sure you clean up each and every accident with one of the special cleaners not just a householder cleaner otherwise Casteel will be able to smell he wee still which will tell him that this is the place to go.

    Also I would not restrict his access to water during the day as he could become dehydrated particularly if he is on a kibble. Water restriction will not really help to toilet train him, just make him thirsty.
  3. Deidra

    Deidra Registered Users

    Feb 9, 2016
    I do take him out a lot when I'm not at work. When I do work I do have puppy pads down as there is no one to Come let him out(and he normally goes on them). He is our 4th puppy and I've just never had one pee so much. But maybe we have just been spoiled. I always limit access. Mainly because our dogs play in the bowls and I'm not having bowls full of water on carpet. I always give him water when he is playing, eating, or when he goes to the porch(in closed) as he knows that's where the water is.
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi Deirdra, it's really important that your puppy doesn't get into the habit of peeing in his own bed. If you cannot take him out often enough to stop him peeing during the night, he needs to be left with the crate door open and some puppy pads on the floor to pee on. Preferably all within a pen. A bed wetting habit is a route you really don't want to go down

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