Bentley's Ears Won't Go Down! Help!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Kat and Bentley, Feb 23, 2016.

  1. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    Bentley is 15 weeks old now. A few weeks ago, he started itching and the vet said he has mange. Not sure where he got it from because he's an indoor puppy. Anyhoo, the vet gave him an e-collar so he couldn't chew on and lick his hind legs and butt. His ears started to perk up. And now it won't go down. He looks like a chihuahua now. Will his ears ever drop again? What can I do? Thanks!!!
  2. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Do you mean an e-collar? One that gives him an electric shock? Or do you mean a cone or Buster collar that just blocks him from fussing the area? Pictures would be helpful.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Some vets call the buster collar an Elizabethan collar, so I'm guessing that would be it :) It would be good to see a photo of the ear issue, welcome to the forum Kat and Bentley
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Yes, Elizabethan collar - they're often called that here too :)

    Welcome to the forum, Kat and Bentley!
  5. MF

    MF Registered Users

    May 5, 2014
    Cape Town, South Africa
    From what I've read, mange is caused by mites, and all dogs have mites. Some dogs develop mange, some don't. Apparently it depends on their immune system keeping the mite population in check. Best of luck with helping your puppy.
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I have had dogs with mange over the years (fox mange) and it was never suggested they wore an Elizabethan collar but were treated and that cleared up the problem very quickly. Has your puppy had treatment?

    Edited to add, do you know whether it is sarcoptic mange or demodectic?
  7. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    Hello everyone. And thanks for the warm welcome and replies! I'm happy I found this forum because a first time puppy owner and I freak out over the tiniest details.

    The vet suggested the Elizabethan Collar (Cone of shame from the movie Up) to stop him from chewing on his butt, tail, legs and tummy. A few days later, his ears perked up and now, they won't flop down like it used to. I hope this isn't permanent.

    The vet didn't say what kind of mange but he had one shot of selamectin and an advocate spot on a week and a half ago. The doctor said he's supposed to get 3 more shots (1 every 2 weeks). Has anyone's puppy had the same condition?

    Thanks again, guys!
  8. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    I'm sure his ears will start to flop again, don't worry about it. But, in the meantime, take plenty of pictures. I'm sure he looks super cute :)

    Sorry, can't help with the mange issue. The only time I've had to deal with that was on an ancient hamster and that was more than 20 years ago!
  9. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines

    Just wondering, what treatment did your dogs receive? I have 2 friends whose puppies had mange too and each of them got only 1 shot of ivermectin and that fixed it. My vet is suggesting 4 shots with 4 spot ons (2-week interval). Is it okay to get that many shots?! Thanks!
  10. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    I really hope so. Fingers crossed! On the ears and the mange. Thanks!
  11. Lochan

    Lochan Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Nov 23, 2012
    North East England
    Treatment depends on what type of mange it is. Mange is a kind of coverall term for a lot of sins, but mainly covers infestation with Cheyletiella spp, Demodex spp or Sarcoptes spp. Did your pup have some skin scrapings to confirm the diagnosis? If so, your vet should be able to tell you what type of mange it is and hence that determines the treatment regimen. If he is very itchy, and it is affecting the margins of his pinnae, elbows, hocks and chest then it is more likely to be sarcoptic mange. It may be worth remembering that both sarcoptic mange and cheyletiellosis can be zoonotic and you may get itchy spots too. These are transient and don't need any medication as the parasites cannot set up home on you but will pop on for the odd nibble especially just after the dog is treated.
    MF likes this.
  12. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    May be worth checking the inside of your pup's ears to check they're not red and hot, which possibly could make them stand up. It's quite common that wearing a plastic e collar for any length of time may cause ear problems as they can get all hot and sweaty in the confined space.

    Hope the mange clears soon. I had a dog with mange many,many, years ago, he was treated with a couple of washes, I think it was called Alludex but didn't work very well. As a last resort my vet gave him an injection of Ivermectin which was a very new drug at the time. It worked a treat, much to our relief!
  13. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Hi and welcome! What do you mean, your dog is an indoor puppy?
  14. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
  15. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines

    Hi! Thanks for the info.

    I told his original vet 6 times over a 6-week period (he was being vaccinated and dewormed at the time) that Bentley has an itching problem and all she said each time was it was nothing. At first, it was a few scratches here and there but it got worse. She didn't do anything until I forced her to do a skin scrape but she said she didn't find anything. She gave me prednisone, some skin supplement tablets, and Eukanuba Dermatosis FP; and then said, "MAYBE these will help." She wasn't really sure what's wrong with him so I took him to a different, much older vet.

    New vet took one look and said it was mange; said he has many patients with mange now and it's in season. He did mention the types of mange but I'm sure he didn't tell me what kind Bentley has. The vet gave him a shot of selamectin (he said it's like ivermectin?) and an advocate spot on. Based on what you said, though, I think it is sarcoptic. He is very itchy. Those are the exact areas he's been scratching and I've had to use sulphur soap on me because I have red spots all over my legs where Bentley likes to sleep.

    The vet's treatment plan is to give him one shot of selamectin and one advocate spot on every 2 weeks for 8 weeks. He's had his first on Feb 14.
  16. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    Hi! Thanks!

    He never goes outside. He sleeps in my room, almost always on my bed and he's never had any contact with stray dogs. A friend of mine said mange usually comes from contact with stray dogs so I'm not sure how he got mange.
  17. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    Hi! The insides of his ears are red. We took off he collar 2 days ago. Hopefully, his ears cool down soon. I mean, I love him just the same with his ears up but I kinda miss my sweet-looking puppy. The vet prescribed a soap and cream for him, too. But Bentley's terribly afraid of water (I'm not sure why) We can only bathe him once every few days. The vet said every other day.
  18. Kat and Bentley

    Kat and Bentley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2016
    Manila, Philippines
    When do they usually start and end teething? He's 15 weeks old now. probably is teething because he's trying to bite everything, his toys, my bed's legs, my face.
  19. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    I'm very surprising at that. Has your vet said not to let him outside until he has had an additional vaccination? In most places puppies are outside at least in the backyard from the day they come home, and then out and about as much as possible after their booster vaccination at 12 weeks. It is so important for your puppy to run and play outside, to build up his muscles and his immunity, just like a child! And indeed to meet other dogs and all kinds of situations, to help him learn what the world is all about. Otherwise you could end up with a fearful, unfit dog.
    MaccieD likes this.
  20. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Agree with Karen's comments, a puppy needs to be out and about seeing and meeting people and dogs unless there is a medical reason that the vet has recommended a dog doesn't go out. Even before full vaccinations the recommendation is take your puppy out and about, just not place them on the ground. Where does Bentley do his toileting?

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