Last time we checked he was 41kg! But it isn't fat, really honest really it isn't...... I can feel his ribs and see his waist, honest..... <paranoid labrador owner>
Pongo is magnificent! Bramble is rather looking forward to meeting thing she aint is petite!
Pongo I think you should have won the Best of Breed not that stumpy chubby dog which isn't easy on the eye at all. Looking good Pongo! x What have some breeders done, what a shame
Go Pongo , you have stolen Sams former title of Heavy Weight of the Forum , he is a feather weight at 38 kilos
Pongo it very handsome. My dogs would be laughed out of a show ring. In fact I'd probably be asked what breed they are. A lot of you would think they are 'ugly' Scouts about as far from the breed standard as you can get without being a completely different breed but I don't care they are my dogs. I wouldn't trade for perfection and I do wonder if all the breeding that's been done to try and achieve perfection has had a detrimental effect on the health of the breed which surely should be more important than looks.
So should I not mention the gamekeeper's competition? The Lab was gorgeous (so happy) but I didn't like the winner as I thought it looked worried about being in the ring - I preferred the other Welsh Springer.
Not at all! That always comes next so we can point out all the faults and say things like "why not just buy a Viszla anyway...."
Wouldn't crafts be more fun spectacle if the dogs were shown fit for purpose, shepherd dogs heading sheep, Dalmatians following cartridges, ratters ratting and lap dogs sitting nicely on laps? Crafts appears to focus on colour and conformation but weren't most dogs were bread for temperament and skill? I tried to take a photo to show Homers conformation but hubby was unhelpful and in a huff about crafts as he said, all the dog breads were initially a cross bead at some point or another.
Exactly so we all have cross breeds! I do and love 'em. x The genetics behind dog breeds is confusing, but all dogs have had bits and bobs taken from them to make the 'breed' they call a 'pure breed'
Nice photo Rosie! @editor Hi pippa do you have a picture of your dogs? I'm quite curious to see them! Once when i was looking on youtube for the kong wobbler i think i came across a video of you and a chocolate labrador i think? edit found it do you have any picture of rachel? ^^