Hi all, May be an overreaction but just seeking advice. Effie was sick this morning around 11. She pooped as normal around 9, it was a bit loose but definitely wouldn't describe it as diarrhoea. It's been a lovely day today and she's been outside more than usual and has a habit of eating grass all the time. Is this what is likely to have made her sick? When should I seek help with regards to puppy being sick? Thanks in advance. I'm a worried first time puppy owner of that hasn't come across already!!
Hello there Have I remembered correctly that Effie is about 14 weeks now? Puppies and dogs vomit time to time - it just happens. If nothing else seems amiss, and it's just a one off, then I wouldn't worry about it. I'd go to a vet quicker with a puppy than with an adult dog - if a puppy didn't pick up within a day, or seemed very lethargic, or seriously out of sorts, I'd see a vet. But just a one off vomit wouldn't bother me, really.
Brilliant thanks, I thought so. She's just a very little 9 weeks now. She seems absolutely fine so hopefully just a one off. Thanks for the reassurance
A little puppy vom every now and again is to be expected. As Julie says, don't worry about a one-off, unless she seems unwell or unusually quiet in herself, in which case, get to the vet pronto. Now, since you don't have to rush her to the vet right now, I think you could use that time to post up a couple of Effie pictures, hmm?
Yes - it could be the grass. With any vomiting or loose poos try to give extra water (a little honey mixed in will encourage extra drinking) But don't worry about the grass eating - that's normal dog behaviour too. Any doubt at all contact the vet, especially when they are tiny pups. .
Thanks everyone, great advice as always. @snowbunny happy to oblige re photos! We've had a a great day playing in the sunshine and she's now fast asleep in what looks like the most uncomfortable position ever!
Ah....gorgeous girl! Hopefully no more vomits. 'Tis the season of the spring grass awakening. It is irresistible......apparently.
Haha, lovely! They do get into some strange positions when sleeping, that's for sure Speak for yourself. We still have loads of snow, and more due this week - getting warmer, though!