Simba dumped again....

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Lisa, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    .....or I'm sure that's what he is thinking right about now. Luke felt bad when he dropped Simba off at the kennel, all the barking dogs were making him nervous. Didn't want to go in, but the owner took him around the back. Luke said he brightened up when he saw the big activity area.

    Poor pup, feeling a bit sorry for him. First he gets taken away from his home and lands with us, we have him for 6 weeks (encompassing a nasty episode with the CONE of shame), then mum and dad leave him with the less enthusiastic caregivers, then he's taken off to the kennel after a month....

    Hopefully he's doing alright there.....we're having fun here with the boys, but I DO feel a bit guilty... :(
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Don't worry, Lisa, you're entitled to enjoy a family holiday :) I'm sure he'll be fine. Dogs do need to get used to being minded elsewhere for periods of time - Simba will learn that you always come back and that his permanent home is will you :)
  3. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Hear, hear Rachael.
    He will LOVE you for going back to him after your holidays.
    And be as good as gold ;D
    For a litle while anyway ;)
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Lucky Simba, to have such caring owners as you! He'll be fine - and you'll be back in no time, strengthened and ready to regale us with more Simba tales!!
  5. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Lisa,in your circumstances I would feel exactly the same....look how bad I am leaving Dexter :eek: but this is the part of your holiday that you can enjoy guilt free.....truly ;D ....the boys are off duty and someone is being paid ( handsomely if its anything like Dubai boarding fees ;)) to look after Simba.Once he has found his feet he will love it,he will be around lots of other dogs which is a plus and once you are back then normal life will resume....successfully.I am sure no one else on here will mind me collectively saying.......THe Forum has spoken......and decrees its time to enjoy your holiday to the max ;D ;D ;D
  6. blackjack

    blackjack Registered Users

    Jul 5, 2013
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    i understand where your coming from. We got Jack a month ago and next monday we are leaving him to go on holiday. We originally planned to get a dog after the hols but jack was and still is the right dog just not great timing. Hes off to my neighbour who dog sits and grooms and he will live at her house with her dogs until my mother in law comes to take over. Im feeling bad about leaving him and know im going to miss him tons :'(

    im also worried about him and MIL as shes never met him (it wasnt the plan, but shes been delayed coming to house sit/dog sit/allotment sit) and just hope the 2 of them survive til we get back! he's still going to get his walks tho from my neighbour so at least hell get to go out, dont know if MIL is up to handling jack as hes a big boy at 30kilos and still growing!
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Everybody was so reassuring to me when I left Dexter for the first time and it really was ok....we can't ever know what they are REALLY thinking( although I have just downloaded In Defence of Dogs by John Bradshaw after something Lisa said the other day ) it's a great bonus that you have a dog walker ......I'm worrying a bit about Dex's dog sitter doesn't drive so all Dex's walks this week will be on lead in our park ??? I spoke to her yesterday and she said that the pulling and lunging to get to other dogs is on the up.... :-[ we'd been really working on that before I left....but as Chris's favorite ( sometimes extremely annoying) saying goes 'It is what it is!!!!' Aaaaggggghhhhh!!In this case I'm reassured,there isn't anything to be done except pick up training when you get back and catch up on all the loving you've missed !!!I have to say nothing that anyone said prepared me for how much I would miss him,it's a toughie ;D x
  8. lynnelogan

    lynnelogan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    lisa you have got all the time in the world to be with simba, :) he will have missed you all, when you get back he will be so happy to see you all, he will be so well behaved. :)
    angela don't worry about dexter being on the lead walks,....jasper as coped very well with just lead walks for over 2 weeks, :) he as stopped the pulling,he is walking to heel, sitting at roadsides before we cross, AND he as started to cock is leg for wee wee :)
  9. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    I meant something Julie said the other day!Bit distracted round here....... ;D ! X
  10. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Simba dumped again....

    Thanks you guys, I needed this encouragement! Okay, no more moaning. We are having a great time and the weather is lovely....spent a day at the beach at San Diego and will be doing the same tomorrow. Haven't had any emergency calls from the kennel so things must be okay. :)

    And I'm looking forward to the "well behaved" Simba, Lynne ::)

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