Does anyone have any experience with Labs encountering Seals or SeaLions? They are certainly big predators, capable of killing a dog, but do they actually attack, or just ignore swimming dogs. People have warned me that they are dangerous to dogs, but nobody I've met has either first hand or second had knowledge of an attack. Both are common on the Oregon coast. I generally keep my dogs out of the water if I see them, but they aren't painted florescent orange, so you don't always notice them.
We often see seals at our local beach at Tentsmuir - they are very curious and watch us. My main worry is that Lilly may decide to swim out towards one. She hasn't yet, as they probably aren't quite close enough for her to properly see them. I had no idea they were potential predators
They certainly eat salmon, and can nearly bite one in half. The Orcas are supposed to prey on them but most of us will never see that.