I think if we turned off the results so people only saw them after they voted that would help - I don't know how to do that....@snowbunny.....
Decided that would skew the result as those visiting the page already have a problem. So I posted it on Facebook instead
Haha @edzbird your story is going world wide Oh, and just because I know you're all so interested, Ella came across human poo when we were bush camping
Every story on this forum is viewable to the general public apart from the two private forums Any search engine can find this story at any time. Google alone sent over seven thousand total strangers to our forum last month. Just a reminder folks.... If you need something deleting.... just let me know
It would be interesting, too, to know if dogs favour a particular poo over another. For example, do dogs prefer eating other dogs' poos if those dogs eat a particular brand of dog food? Or like the poo of dogs who are fed raw food? Or do they eat poo because their own diet is of a particular type? I have read that pineapple in the diet of one dog will prevent the other dog from eating the pineapple poo. People down the road have three spaniels that they let out in the mornings to run up our road and make their poos. They never clean them up. It drive the rest of us in our road mad, but no amount of asking changes anything. There's no mistaking it is their dogs' poos cos I know exactly what it smells like! They obviously are fed a particular brand of dog food that causes the smell. Their house also opens out onto our local park, and I can identify their dogs' poos in the park from the smell (it could be that other dogs eat this brand of dog food, too). My point being (and it should be that people should pick up their dogs' poos!) is that dogs fed a particular type of food seem to have a particular type of poo. Snowie, having a raw diet with variety, has different poos depending on what he's eaten. Liver = black poo. Fish = beige poo. Dirty tripe = really stinky poo. Raw carrots = you can see the bits. He once raided the pantry and ate half a kilo of raw almonds = looked like civet poo with coffee beans for making Kupi Luwak. I wonder if any particular meal Snowie eats is attractive to poo-eating dogs? Or do they not discriminate?!
They are horrible creatures But an entirely natural thing, pups learn it from their mums in the litter when she cleans up their poop. 'Kes' never did.(except rabbit and sheep). 'Bella' did as a pup but grew out of it (grazes on rabbit). 'Indie' never has (quite likes rabbit). 'Kira' dirty little madam (I can't pick hers up quick enough and any other dogs poop she can find). What a great post... Looking at the poll so far looks like the girls have learnt well from their mums.
Thankfully I was aware of that (and I'm pretty sure that I'm not that interesting ). I just mean that out of thousands of forum posts, there's a direct link to this particular poo story
I have an 11 month old Labrador and a 12 week old baby... My whole life consists of poo stories and analysis
Yes, my Ripley eats my other dog's (Biff) poo. Ripley will not eat his own though. He is the first one of my labs to ever do this. Drives me nuts!