We took all three dogs out for a bimble in our fields. Bramble and Benson off lead and Casper in what we call the "bungee lead" because it is a nice long lead with an elasticated middle, so great to allow Casper to to roam. Being in our own fields there is no risk of other people, dogs etc...Casper is not called the Black Bullet for nothing...when he goes...well he goes from 0-60 in a nano-second with the power of a few thousand horses... So picture the scene. Nice and relaxed. Then to our horror a deer pops out no less than 20 feet away..Casper hasn't spotted it as he is attentively in a sit waiting for a bit of sausage..then another deer..at this point my clicker has a mind of its own....and another...Casper gets the whole sausage..more deer jump the fence I am in panic mode knowing if Casper spots one I am likely to end up in A &E. Five deer pop out and run in front of us...I just empty my treat bag on the ground. Deer disappear and Casper scoffs the lot..he glances up wondering what the fuss is about. I have never been so relieved in my life. Will have to revisit when I use the bungee lead methinks. On a positive note Bramble spotted them, curious but not concerned
HeeHee! Swift treat bag upturning saves the day! A valuable skill to have! Have to admit have done the same over a football before now!
Oh good job!!! The Treat Bag Dump is something we should all practise till it's a reflex action, hehe.
Good reaction - the last time I needed to get Henry's attention asap I missed the nano second I had by fumbling for the clicker. My parka has 6 pockets and I was frantically rummaging through all of them by which time I'd missed the boat. It's always in the middle right pocket but had got jumbled up with poop scoop bags. Have since reviewed my clicker pocket arrangements - like the idea of the bungee lead where do you get them please?
Yes.....indeed..... I have often though about going and sitting in the overflow carpark at The Scottish Deer Centre which is about a mile and a half away from me, with Lilly on lead and get her to do some simple obedience. The field next to the overflow carpark usually has deer in it. Its a big field, so not like they are very close, but certainly within 30-50 yards. I am sure there will be plenty of deer smells to distract her One of these days I will
I was once at a gundog lesson when an enormous male deer with vast antlers, sauntered into the area, it was quite scary!
I think Casper probably planned that! Perhaps he'd tipped off the lambie network to make the deer appear, knowing full well he'd then get ALL the treats!