Molly's not eating much....

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Cherry, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    So Molly monster has been here a week (when do I get to breathe again by the way?) and seems very settled. She's on the same kibble as breeder gave her. The allowance is 230-300 grams a day but she's only eating about 100g and doesn't seem that interested in it. She's having lots of treats and the odd bowl of cat food but I was expecting her to be wolfing her meals down. Is this normal?
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    If she is getting 100g plus lots of treats and 'the odd bowl of cat food' she might just be getting too much food. I have never fed a dog the full amount specified on the food packet, if I did my Labrador would be the size of a house! :D
    Dexter and Naya like this.
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    If she is getting lots of treats and wolfing down cat food it's just as well she's not eating much of her kibble. To get her eating her kibble, which is balanced for puppy growth, I would only use that as training treats and remove the cat food out of her way. My cats bowls were moved upstairs on to the landing and their litter tray into the bathroom so that Juno couldn't get to them and yet the cats had free access. The cats food is still upstairs on the landing as Juno doesn't go upstairs so can't eat their food as well.
    kateincornwall and Naya like this.
  4. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    Good advice, thank you
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    @Cherry just wanted to add that I used to work out Juno's allowance once a month based upon her weight, her age and then calculated the amount according to the manufacturer's guidelines. I then used to remove some kibble for training treats and she got the rest spread over her 3 meals. I actually found that the suggested quantity for her age and weight with the puppy food she was on was pretty accurate to her needs and she gained steadily at 500g per week. The best gauge as to whether she is betting enough or too much is through her body shape. If in doubt, have a word with your vet or vet nurse :)

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