Run Free Dexter!

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Dexter, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Oh gosh Angela.....glad he forgave you! ;D
    And you can now smile about it LOL.
    I have never seen a breathing dog one. Only the cats in baskets and they freak me out.
    Do you still have it? I'm wondering what Dex would make of it ;D ;D
  2. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Hes got a good sense of humour....lets be homest,he married me :eek: !The yellow one is long gone....there might be a black one in the toy cupboard but I know the batteries have gone and the tail has the same injury that Dexter has incurred :

    He was so happy to see Chris last night...he literally wagged his tail off!ive bathed it and he's had a good lick so trying to keep him away from hard edges today.Its happened a few times now,first time,it freaked me out and of course was an emergency!im an old hand now!the kitchen was a bit of a csi crime scene this morning though,blood on every kitchen cupboard and wall....
  3. NNorris13

    NNorris13 Registered Users

    Aug 11, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Aww poor Dexter! Hope its not to uncomfortable for him
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Oh gosh if someone pulled the breathing puppy stunt on me I would be soooooooooooo upset... And I already have a dog! He must really love you Angela to forgive you... :D
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Angela you would have definitely been in the 'dog house' for pulling that stunt on me, poor Chris, but at least he has the real thing now so you are completely forgiven ;D Helen xx ;D
  6. tartanmouse

    tartanmouse Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    I had a similar prank played on me, but in reverse. Standing in the queue at the bank, OH rings and asks if I want a Basset Hound, I say yeah okay, ring you later. Thinking it's a hush puppy toy or something. And that's how we got Stanley Basset. A couple were breaking up and neither wanted the dog - idiots. He was a gorgeous boy. Will have to hunt out a pic of all of doggy family. x
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    I told you that I didn't come out of it well!theres nothing that you can say that hasn't been said already :-[
    TM I'm laughing at your you got the shock of your life when you got home that night,you sound chilled enough to just take it in your stride though....not go into Dogzilla mode like I would have done and did preparing for Dexters arrival !
  8. tartanmouse

    tartanmouse Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Nah, one more doesn't change anything. Stan was so layed back, he fitted right in. Wasn't best pleased when he pooped under the Christmas tree like the same week we got him, but ho ho ho. ;D
    Will find a pic of him. x
  9. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Oh Lordy, Angela, your story is both funny and kinda tragic ;D Your poor hubby. LOL!!!!

    We also have had a similar trick played on us. We were staying with friends on their small farm one Christmas. We already had a black Lab. We exchanged gifts with them and then they said that the was one more gift but they had to go up the driveway it get it. They went out, got in their car and drove out of sight up the driveway. Just up their road was a Lab breeder who I'd shown some interest in who had a litter at the time. My reaction was the opposite to Chris's. I was absolutely packing it, thinking they'd gone and got us a puppy. I was just about having a fit while we waited for them to come back. The car pulled up and they got out with a box with air holes punched into. They were carrying it as if it was heavy and moving a bit. They came in the door and I said (in an incredulous, not angry, way), "Is that a (expletive) Labrador puppy? That better not be a (expletive) puppy. Holy (expletive) it's a (expletive) puppy". They gave me the box and I opened the lid and saw black fur and just about had a major coronary on the spot. But it was a toy. I think they laughed for about half an hour. I am the world's most gullible person and they knew I'd fall for it hook, line and sinker. They felt that they got their money's worth out of my reaction ;D

    That was about 10 years ago. They are still great friends. But I get reminded of this incident at regular intervals as well...
  10. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Rachael,very ,very funny,I would have reacted exactly the same,especially 10 years ago!your friends sound like great fun in a kind of black humor way! X
  11. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Ha ha!
    You tell that story sooo well too!
    I guess you guys all know each other well enough to know just how far to push it ;D ;D
  12. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Yeah, they are good friends ;D They got me a beauty that day. We actually met because of our dogs. We were walking our pups in opposite directions but on the same side of the street, me with my black Labrador puppy (Nicolae) and her with her white Maremma puppy (Lucia). I went 'Oh, a white puppy!'. She went 'Oh, a black puppy!'. We had a laugh and the dogs had a play and the rest is history.

    Lucia was my dog Nicolae's best friend but she could play a trick or two herself. One time many years ago Nicolae was staying with them while we went on holidays. On the first day they came home to find that the big bag of Hills Science Diet in their laundry had been broken into and a large quantity consumed. Lucia was guarding the bag and looking like she had swallowed a watermelon. Nicolae was looking miserable and hungry. The bag had previously sat there untouched, as had many bags before it. They worked out that Lucia had let Nicolae mastermind the work of breaking into the bag and then she had menaced him away and kept him at bay while she got to eat what she wanted and he watched.
  13. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Quite a team !Poor Nicolae got the short straw...hope he didn't fall for Lucia's feminine wiles again!Its lovely when you have someone like that who can mind your pooch when you are away :)
  14. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Has me giggling this one!
    Can just picture them ;D
  15. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Okay, wait a minute....Dexter wagged his tail OFF???? :eek: :eek: How is this possible????
  16. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Lisa he wags his whole back end so hard ...he bangs his tail and the very tip gets bashed and bleeds,this is probably the 3 rd episode and has lasted the longest....there are splashes of blood on the kitchen cupboards several times a day....

    We've been back a week now and I cant get it to heal,the hardest wagging occurs during our morning welcome and as he was closed in his crate he breaks it open again on the bars by the time we get him we've stopped closing his crate at bedtime,with no ill effects,he still goes in and settles there but he's out on the tiles when I come down in the morn.....

    I'm bathing it,gauze just gets chewed off ...there is a splint product that you can buy that someone kindly told me about the first time it happened so when Ive written this I'm going to google it and order some to protect him.I love having such a waggy,happy dog! ;D
  17. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    (This is a health post but follows on to my last post to I've left it here,Moderators )

    It has a name..... Happy Tail Syndrome!

    When a dog is excited and wags his tail rapidly, like most dogs are prone to do when happy, they can injure their tail knocking it against a hard surface like a table leg or wall. Happy tail syndrome is also known as kennel tail, splitting tail and bleeding tail. A dog can whack his tail hard enough on a hard surface that it causes a small cut or split on the tip of his tail. The cut tends to bleed a lot and as he continues to wag his tail, blood is splattered around the area.

    It may not sound like a serious condition, but because it's on the tip of his tail, it doesn't heal fast, it can be hard to stop the bleeding, and it can be recurring if the dog wags his tail against a hard surface. Infection is a concern; antibiotics should be given to help prevent infection, and pain medication may need to be prescribed. In a worst case scenario, a portion of the tail may be amputated.

    Treatment can be difficult because the tail needs to be bandaged to protect it from further damage, and it's hard to keep a tail bandaged. You should consult a vet for proper instructions on how to wrap a dog's tail and determine if he needs any medications. It's important to keep the injury clean. Never use duct tape to wrap your dog's tail. The material doesn't stretch, and no air can move through it. You want a breathable, flexible type of bandage that protects the tip of the tail. Because infection can occur, the bandage needs to be changed every day and the wound inspected.

    Dogs prone to Happy Tail syndrome are short haired dogs with long tails and strong behinds that can wag a tail with some force. It's usually seen in larger breeds like Great Danes, Pit Bulls, Greyhounds and Labs. However, any short haired dog that can wag his tail with some force can damage the tip when it hits something hard. Dogs with feathered tails and smaller canines aren't as likely to have problems.

    We are keeping it clean and disinfecting it......maybe im wrong but don't feel the need to start giving him AB's or seeing the vet for it and I'm always on the side of caution.....
  18. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Re: Run Free Dexter!

    Wow, interesting....thanks for the info. Hope you can keep it all under control and that it heals up fine!

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