Argh! Today I am singing at my uncles wedding and the dog walker was going to have Maisie and Milo overnight. Last night Whilst I popped round next door I left the dogs loose in the living room. When I got back a glass that had been on the otherside of the room was under the table broken and Milo was playing with it. I could put it back together but there was still some tiny shards of glass on the floor around it. After clearing it up it dawned on me that Milo may have ingested some. He seemed fine so treated as normal over night but this morn he escaped from his pen (Houdini!) and had pooed right by the back door and had had some diareah and blood in it (sorry tmi!). So now I'm thinking whether he has eaten some! He's ok in himself I think, perhaps a tiny bit quieter than usual. I am also changing over his food so perhaps it could have been that? My vets don't have 24hr care but the vets my sister works at does and it is being suggested by her vet nurse friends that he should be kept in for obs. I'm waiting to hear back from the vet on call who is actually a friend and I sang at his wedding. Should I be taking this really seriously or is this all over the top? Is it mean to leave my dog walker with him when he potentially has something wrong? When he could go to the vets? Argh!!
Hi Frankie! It is good that Milo is good in himself, however I would for peace of mind, want to leave Milo at the vets for observation. I tend to be concerned if there is any blood in poo, especially if it is quite bright and fresh looking.
I guess the changing over of food could cause the diarrhoea and be coincidental but I think if it were me I would want my pup at the vets just in case. It's quite a lot of responsibility to place on your dog walker as to whether Milo is ok or getting worse or better. Where glass or foreign objects are concerns I think it's right to be cautious. Hoping all is well with Milo and that you have a lovely day.
Oh Frankie , know me I'm always on the side of caution but I would take him to the vet.It sounds like it could only be a small amount but the fact that you've seen blood in his stool I'd Ben getting him checked over.....X Hope he's ok x
Hey Frankie Their timing is always rubbish isn't it! It would be vets for me too. Hope Milo is absolutely fine and you have a good day.
Vets. Blood in poo should be checked out by the vet. Try not to worry once he's there though - he'll be in really good hands so try to relax and enjoy the wedding. You must have a beautiful voice. I'm jealous! I sound like a bandsaw, he he.
Yes, vet for me, you will be able to relax and sing at the wedding and not be riddled with worry. Always better to be safe than sorry. Does your vet have emergency cover with another vet? Mine has just started this, we have to take the dogs about 7 miles away and they are very expensive. It is an American idea I believe.
Just seen this..... sounds like the vet's the right answer if you can get him there before the wedding. He'll be fine there, and you won't need to worry about him while hitting those notes! Good luck, enjoy yourself - what are you singing?
Oh no, the vets would be my choice too. You can then at least try and relax knowing he is in safe hands. Best of luck.
It will be interesting to hear what your Vet says and if you should take Milo in. If the pieces missing are very small the Vet won't be able to see them on Xray (if glass can be seen at all) and may be able to give you some remedies over the phone. I'm thinking of the internet lore which has you feed your dog cotton balls ( I think they have to be real cotton) with a bit of milk or something to get them down. The cotton balls are supposed to gather up the bits of whatever is sharp and help protect the innards as they worked their way out. I got tons of hits on this when I googled but none from Veterinary sources. Even if your VEt does advise the above Milo might be better sitting at the Vet's where he can be observed. Or your dog walker can rush him in if need be. I think you might be better able to sing if you aren't worried.
Thanks everyone he went to my sisters vet hospital where he has been having a lovely day with one of the vet nurses who is working a 24 hour shift and has her springer Mia there in the nurses flat and Milo has been mostly in there with her. He has had one softish poo and no blood so hoping it's done with now. Will pick him up on our way home tomorrow it was a detour but sort of on the way to the venue. I sang my usual jazz stuff whilst people were arriving and then I sang and accompanied myself on guitar for the bride walking down the aisle. The song was called This I Promise You and was extremely gushy and soppy! Not my cup of tea lol but it all went well and potentially have had another booking from singing here (I do it as and when alongside my usual job). All good fun Can't wait to seeMilo and Maisie tomorrow, I hate leaving them!
Sounds like a really wonderful day...would love to hear you sing, I have heard you on my lap top and you have a beautiful voice. Puppies eh? They are sent to try us at the most inconvenient times!
Ah glad Milo seems to have come through it ok and that you enjoyed the wedding.they will both be delighted to see you when you get home x