Excessive biting

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Calbury, May 2, 2016.

  1. Hugo's mum

    Hugo's mum Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2016
    Feel your pain - have you tried raw feeding Hugo has been on it since day one and only tummy issues were when I tried to introduce kibble ?
    In terms of biting we have mad 10 mins went he goes crazy just had one now so he is in the crate usually around the time he needs to nap - a bit like a toddler he doesn't give in to sleep and instead has cranky time! I babysat last night for my friend last night who has a 1 year old lab who snuggled up to me on the sofa and wasn't at all interested in my bear feet or biting me in the slightist which has given me hope ... We are 18 weeks today ...hope we don't have to wait a year! I asked my friend when it stopped but she said she can't remember through the puppy haze it just did ❤️❤️
  2. Cherry

    Cherry Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2016
    Berkshire, UK
    I read that as kitchen worktops and had a bit of a panic as I can actually see that happening, she's getting quite partial to the kitchen wall.....
    Hugo's mum, MaccieD, Joy and 2 others like this.
  3. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland

    Thanks for really cheering me up @Cherry
    Cherry likes this.
  4. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    @Calbury If Nugget is getting an upset tummy with even a small amount of his kibble you may need to think about making a change to his kibble ;( It could be that he has become a little sensitive to an ingredient in his current kibble. Is the main protein chicken or something else? Just thinking that if he is fine with chicken and rice, chicken is unlikely to be the cause. What are the other main ingredients in his food?

    Juno loves banana but we only give her a small chunk - around 1" - 2", mind you that is sometimes twice a day, but I don't know of any reason why you can't feed him a bit more if he likes it.

    If Nugget is suffering with his tummy at the moment he might be feeling a bit cranky which could make the biting worse :( I feel so bad for you that you are now suffering the biting and an upset tummy with Nugget, but it is possible that resolving his tummy issues may also help his behaviour. Our last yellow Labrador girl had a sensitivity to some grain in commercial dog products and would become very hyper on certain foods. We changed her food to fresh minced meat which was mixed with wholemeal bread, cut into chunks and baked in the oven until crunchy. Certainly helped her and we didn't see the 'hyper' dog again.
  5. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    @Calbury how long has Nugget had his upset tum?
    Chicken and rice or scrambled egg is usually a good option but you have to go back to "normal" food at some point. It might be better to use something for sensitive tums to begin with. I think the vet might be able to advise. A lot of people say Chappie tins (I think they do a sensitive ,or chicken and rice one) can be helpful as a stop gap, but I have never used it myself.
    With regards to being sensitive to chicken in kibble, it is possible, but bear in mind just because Nugget is okay with fresh cooked chicken that doesn't mean that he will be okay with the processed chicken in kibble. I know that was the case with Juile's Charlie.
    I guess there are lots of reasons for having an upset tum. Just doesn't help the whole "bringing up a pup" journey!
  6. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Chappie, chicken and rice is very good. I always have a couple of tins in the cupboard ready for tummy upsets. Couple of spoonfuls with a small amount of kibble to get him started. Have you any ProKolin+ it's worth having it in the cupboard for tummy upsets and dogs love it. One or two doses has Juno sorted out. Xx
  7. JaxnTrouble

    JaxnTrouble Registered Users

    May 20, 2016
    When my boy Jax was smaller he's 7 months now FWIW. Anyway he chewed the blinds, fought my 2 year old for her toys, chewed anything the last straweek was when he ate the wall (I wish I wasn't joking I have the hole to prove it ).

    At first I thought I had a puppy that got dumped on his head a time or 2 as he was so much more energetic and he chewed and bit everything ,constantly I might add I'd get one thing and he'd grab another .

    How I broke Jax was first I bought him toys , a few squeek toys, a few balls ,and a few tug ropes . I had to lay boundaries with my kid and my dog to let who know what toys belonged to who.

    When Jax would bite onto something he wasn't supposed to I corrected him with a no no , and put him in "time out " . No exceptions and no sad eye treatment to let it slide he went to time out .

    When I felt like it was enough time and he had been alone enough I let him out with a toy in hand. We played fetch and tug of war with his toys , he bit or chewed anything else he went to time out . He learned "drop it" in a few hours so now if he does ever slip up a simple drop it and Jax puts it down.

    As far as the biting goes if Jax goes to bitell us playing he is told no ,no biting and is ignored . Now when you ignore him he let's you know how he feels about it barking and pawing at me lol.

    Everyone in awhile hell go for my watch now and if he does a no no followed by me kicking him out of the room we are in for a little bit does the trick.

    I've been lucky with Jax though he has been very easy to train
  8. Calbury

    Calbury Registered Users

    Feb 19, 2016
    Thank you everyone - a strict rice/chicken diet has firmed him up again - I'm having another go at reintroducing the kibble today. If no luck, I will try your suggestions.

    Biting is as bad as ever (sigh) but at least if I can get his tummy sorted out I'll be happy!
    MaccieD and Sophiathesnowfairy like this.
  9. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    I thought things were getting better but this week I lost 2 cardigans and 1 top, almost 2 but the second one I managed to mend which I was relieved about becasue it was it's first time on.
  10. Calbury

    Calbury Registered Users

    Feb 19, 2016
    It's awful, isn't it! I've found a great technique for mending clothes that can't be sewn though - I'll happily share the details if you need them :)
    MaccieD and Sophiathesnowfairy like this.
  11. Hugo's mum

    Hugo's mum Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2016
    Dare I say we've turned a corner a peaceful day today - tomorrow ...????
    MaccieD and Sophiathesnowfairy like this.
  12. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    Ooo yes please! :)
  13. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    Here's hoping for another good day @Hugo's mum ;)
  14. Bridget3789

    Bridget3789 Registered Users

    Apr 18, 2016
    Chicago, IL USA
    I can commiserate with all of this! Duncan is 17 weeks & has adult teeth starting to poke through his gums, which I think made the biting (that I thought was starting to get better....) worse this morning and he got ahold of my sweater / bit into my arm and went straight into the crate afterwards to calm down. The past week or so things were getting better on the biting front... but definitely still very hyper times and trying to bite, which we redirected him to toys each time... but we will see how things are this week... Not a good start this morning! haha
  15. Calbury

    Calbury Registered Users

    Feb 19, 2016
    Well I take a very small piece of fabric the same colour as the ripped garment. I wear a lot of black, so I've been cutting bits off the black washing instruction labels inside my clothes. This becomes your 'patch'. I then cut a small piece of ironing tape (Wonder Web?) the same size as my patch.

    I take the piece of clothing my dog has kindly redesigned for me, turn it inside out and hold the hole together as best I can. I put the ironing tape over the hole, the patch on top of that and press down with a hot iron. Voila! I have repaired about 3 tops and 2 pairs of trousers like this since I've had Nugget. You can't see a thing! (Obviously if the rip is really bad a bit of your patch might show through, but if it's the same colour, no one should notice!)

    I hope I explained that properly - please let me know if not :)
  16. Sophiathesnowfairy

    Sophiathesnowfairy Registered Users

    Apr 7, 2016
    Northern Ireland
    That is perfectly clear @Calbury I will give it a go.

    We have calmed down loads lately but I am wondering if we are working up the the next phase at 17 weeks. My main problem is she jumps up and grabs, in the nicest possible way, but takes bits of clothes with her.

    I suspect she is also wising up to time out and flattens her ears when I direct her to get crate if she has been naughty then scoots away. Surely chasing her will make it worse? My best option is to calmly get her to sit and then pick her up. But then does she realise she is time out?

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