This is exactly why I would never have boy dog again, I thought neutered dogs didn't do this!! Charlie's makes an appearance when he's excited to go for a walk, when we come home, food time etc. and oddly enough when he is having his photo taken, Thomas spends a bit of time photoshopping Boys are gross aww sorry Charlie we do love you xx
You can just about see Casper's lipstick in this photo....(the one on top!!!!D too excited by Marcus Hart, on Flickr
Snowie's penis sometimes sticks out when he's sitting -- he sits very oddly with back legs splayed and I think the mechanics of his pelvis pushing down pushes his penis out. The vet also had a nifty way of pushing it out to examine it -- Snowie had been licking so much on the outside that I was concerned that perhaps it was because inside the penis was itchy/infected/sore/etc -- which thankfully it wasn't. Many years ago, when I knew a lot less than I know now and Google was not available, I was tickling my sister's dog on his tummy and was horrified to discover that he had two hard lumps on either side of his penis (I thought he had cancer!). At the vet later that day (or week -- I forget, it was a while ago), she asked him about these two lumps. She lives in a small town and the vet's elderly mother happened to be sitting in the examination room with her knitting (I suppose such are small towns where you bring your mother to work!) and he said: "Mother, block your ears! Those lumps appear when the dog is excited and are for securing the penis during mating." Now, what was interesting to me was that apparently no amount of cold water will bring those lumps down; you just need to wait. I remember as a child, two dogs mating were often sprayed with a cold hose to make them part; but apparently this does not work. So I'm thinking, with reference to the post further up about the cold wet towel bringing down an erection, what exactly does an erection mean in a dog? I looked it up here: It gives a succinct description of the canine penis anatomy and function, and of course a photograph.
I've never heard the term lipstick, but it suits somehow. Nothing wrong with the word penis, but I've always thought it's a rather unattractive word, semantically speaking that is. Not sure why. Guess that's why we use other terms... less clinical! I agree with Karen, after all this discussion I'm pleased to have two girls, though they do tend to lie on their backs with their legs outstretched in a very inelegant manner . Seriously, I've heard that's how they stretch out their spine and/or cool down, but it still makes me smile. One of my girls' head and face makes her look like a bat when she's upside down... straying off the point a bit. Hope the little 'problem' gets eased soon. Sounds painful
I think that has to be the best photo of the day. If only it could have made it onto the Forum Calendar. The expressions are fabulous.... the only thing missing is three speech bubbles... any suggestions? (Is that Benson at the end of the line????)