I am buzzing I am so pleased we were able to find and catch a lost dog this evening! Maisie new the spaniel called Daisy from her daycare and Id met her a couple of times briefly. She is a rescue and the owner has only had her a couple of months. Anyway this morning at about 10am Daisy bolted on a walk and ran across a fast main road near my house and disappeared into fields behind my house. she was spotted in various places a few miles apart. I thought I would go and walk around the fields with Maisie this evening, the grass was waist high! Just as I gave up and was walking back across the field something caught my eye moving on a huge log pile about 300m away across the field. I could see it was a spaniel but i had recently seen someone with some springers so i wasn't sure if it was one of them. I waded through the long grass calling her name and could see her looking at me. She started running towards me but then would only get about 40m close and then kept backing off. The grass was so high I could only see her when she went up like a meerkat obviously looking at me. My maisie hadn't noticed her at this point! I crouched down a few times and she would come close but just not close enough for me to reach her, and then suddenly Maisie noticed what was going on, and ran straight up to her, and it was as if maisie told her that I was safe and it was all ok because then Daisy ran straight up to me and I was able to get her on the lead! i then gave her a huge handful of sausage! In the commotion of me trying to get her to come to me i was also trying to get the owners number up on my phone to ring and say i could see her, but in the commotion i dropped my phone in the long grass!!! Once I had her on lead I had a frantic 2 minute scramble around the long grass getting stung my nettles trying to find my phone am luckily just as I was about to give up and walk home without it i spotted it out of the corner of my eye. I got hold of the owner who met me on the road near the field and I am just so happy I was able to help and reunite them!! Its literally my worst nightmare to lose my dog so whenever I see local dogs that are missing I always try and help, this is the second lost dog i have found, i once found one with Murphy a couple of years ago. Anyway sorry for the long post and longwinded story! i am just so happy!!!!
Lovely story, it's my worst nightmare too. I can't imagine how stressful it would have been for the owners, well done you.
How relieved the owners must be that you found their lost dog. No wonder you are happy, a wonderful thing to be able to do. I feel happy for you and for the owners, a lovely feelling
Heart warming...and quite incredible you were able to get so close, on some level Daisy must've known you just wanted to help
What a nice story and happy ending. Sometimes the poor dog is so frightened it won't even go to it's owners. Good for you.
What a great story Well done you two, no wonder you're happy! the owner must have been so pleased to have her home safe and sound
Well done Frankie. It must have given you a lovely warm glow when you found her (a bit like the kids in the old ReadyBrek ads - I know, I'm getting old!)