HI, another post about my lab, he is 6 1/2 months old and has been fed a raw diet since I had him at 9 weeks he has always loved chicken wings and will eat them all day long but I am struggling to get him to eat anything else such as minced beef or chicken he only seems to want to eat things with bones in them! Anyone else had this problem and found any soloutions?
Hi Steve , I cant advise personally as I don't raw feed 100% of the time but if you look in the Feeding section on the forum , you will find help there, good luck .
It is ok to always feed things with bones in them But try to branch out a bit from chicken wings to other chicken parts like legs and thighs - these have more meat as a proportion of the whole. Also, definitely try meaty bones from other species - lamb ribs, lamb necks, lamb chops, oxtail, duck, turkey, beef ribs, pork spare ribs... It's good to vary the meat source and to avoid having too high a quantity of bone in the mix. If you want to feed some meals of meat only that's fine but try a whole piece, not mince - he might go for that. It's worth trying fish too. You can try whole raw fish, or another option is tinned sardines - most dogs like tinned sardines (in oil or tomato sauce) and they get to eat the bones and skin too which is good.
I wonder if you've tried the mince frozen in kongs? Maybe he likes the challenge of the bones and it would be more fun for him to work it out from a kong. My two absolutely love frozen raw sardines, and any other type of fish. I don't know if you can buy rabbit where you are, but that was the second type of protein I introduced after chicken wings.
I was always led to believe that dogs should not eat tomatoes. Which has been frustrating for me, because most of the tins of fish in the supermarket are in tomato sauce (or other sauce), very seldom just plain brine or oil. If you say tomatoes are fine, you'll be making me very happy!
I feed tinned sardines in olive oil, don't you have to worry about the sugar content in the tomatoe sauce?
Tomatoes are just fine for dogs The sauce in tinned sardines is just a tomato purée. I doubt that it's sweetened. Even if it was the sugar content would be very small as we're not talking about much sauce. I've fed a whole tin of sardines to my dogs for dinner every single day since 1998 when I got my first Labrador. That's over 6000 tins of sardines. About half of these have been in tomato sauce. First dog lived to 14 and second dog going strong at 4.
The toxin in tomatoes is solanine, which is found in the green parts of the tomato plant. So, ripe tomatoes are fine. When making kongs, I tend to use sardines in tomato sauce for extra flavour - I mix it into wet kibble so they only get a tiny bit anyway, just for interest. When I make sardine biscuits I use the ones in olive oil.
What a good idea . I have put peanut butter or paste in Saphy Kong . But will definitely try this for a change . Thanks