You are right to seek help of course, but it may not be as sinister as you think. Mammary tumours are not normally painful and don't appear rapidly. In dogs, many mammary tumours are benign. My elderly spaniel had several removed last year and all turned out to be harmless. Try not to worry, and good luck
Hope everything is okay. It seems quite diffuse - cancerous things tend to be more isolated lumps I think. Seems odd haw you describe them - hopefully your vet will be able to give you a quick answer rather than prolong the worry x
She's not in pain and one lump feels very like a lipoma under muscle, it's the other side which worries me most as the whole side of her nipple line from her back ends to about mid way along her tummy is darker in colour and feels thickened. It does not feel normal she has no temp and is eatting and behaving normally. Shes very healthy for 13 and so we are just carring on as normal until we find out if there is a problem. She was joyfully and viciously attacking Rory yesterday and having all sorts of fun like jumping in the river and rolling in stuff she shouldn't. I know labs get lumpy some more than others she has a few age related lipomas which we keep an eye on, just hope its another.
one is under muscle and feels mobile like a lipoma and and has that marble like feel in its centre it feels smooth in th e centre and moves a bit like lipoma. The other side feels thickened and the whole area feels different than the other side its starting in her groin area and speading up towards her mid tummy. this area has changed colour too it looks darker pink. Its the speed that bothers me i know where all her lumps abumps are and have monitered them for years but this is definately something new.
It's no good me saying don't worry as I know you will be,so I'm just stopping by to say I hope the appointment tomorrow discovers nothing sinister and you can come back to tell us everything is good. Big hug xxx
Please get a biopsy done asap similar happened to Molly and I believe we didn't take action quick enough don't want same to happen again xx
she so funny this morning she played with her toy boy until she was breathless and tried to destroy ratty her fav toy. She will be fine whatever happens, we'll just go and get it sorted and move on from there . its hard but her spirit never flags so I just taking my queues from her and dealing with it when if it happens to be bad. I try to live in the moment like they do its hard but it can help
her taxi is booked we are going in style the driver breds labs he makes such a fuse of them and he has a ramp, she likes the ramp
My lab Dina who is ten years old had bumps and soreness on her belly up to her arm pits. Vets gave her a mammary strip which thank goodness came back clear. Didn't take her long to get over it. Fingers crossed all works out for you. Take her to vet as soon as possible.
well 1 out of 3s not bad we got limpoma limpoma then bad weird lump thing. Luckily its small and we are going to treat it with some anti biots for 2 weeks as shes licked it and its sore then if we can its going to be frozen off if not its just going to get cut off. Its small so things look ok for that. Its the one I was deeply suspicious of the others are ok just labby lumps. The anti biots will also help with her teeth as she has a slight swelling it maybe she needs some teeth out but it could be something else but we will see in a few weeks when her nasty is taken off. It was all ok no worse and a bit better than I though. she was an angel at the vets as always even though she was scared and disgusted at the suggestion she was fat! The vet thinks her weight is fine but i afraid its half rations for little "miss 2 extra kgs for a while" she is just totaly adorable though the vet gave her 1/2 a dog biscuit. my OH says she could charm the food out of anyone mmmmmmmmm is this where the extra foods been coming from?
Pleased that it doesn't sound as bad as you feared - hope the antibiotics help. If they're thinking of freezing it off, does that mean it's just on the surface?
That is good. I know you will still worry a bit but that is definitely good news. Half rations? Eeek! Can't be true