Question about puppy eyes

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Millieboo, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    I have been trying to browse the forum and the Internet about how puppies eyes develop, but that mostly just leads me to articles about all eye problems which in its turn gotten me worried. My Millie has a clear discharge always after she been napping and I wonder now if that is normal? She don't itch and she is not red anywhere or swollen. My other concern is that if she's in the light her pupils seems to reflect a bit blue shade (I know they get a glow when they are in the dark and you flash it with some light but I wonder if it is blue shaded). We were gonna wait to go to the vet and get it all looked at when she is about to get her rabies shot but after reading all these articles in my search about how their eyes develop and when they get their final eye color I feel a bit hysterical.
    If you got any tips on a book or anything that will explain the eye development in healthy labs eyes I would really appreciate it and if you can I would love to get a close up on a healthy black labs eye to have something to compare with in the future.
    If this has been discussed earlier I apologize, I couldn't find a topic about it. And I also want to apologize if my English is a bit poor, I am Swedish living in the USA (still in the learning process).
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Your English is fantastic!

    I know exactly what you mean about that blue-ish tinge. I would say that is normal. My dog definitely has that, and he has no eye problems at all. When dogs get old they can get cloudy lenses, but I very very much doubt that this is what you are seeing. Don't panic! By all means have a chat with your vet when you're next in but for now just relax and stop reading about this :)

    A few drops of clear fluid from the eyes is also nothing to worry about. If a discharge is constant (leaving a trail or even a stain down the face), thick, or coloured (yellow, or with blood in it) then that's not good and should be checked by the vet. But something that's clear, watery, just a few drops and only happens occasionally (like on waking) - that would not worry me. So stop reading about that too :)

    It certainly is all too easy to get into a panic about things that seem a bit different or that resemble something we've read about. I've done it myself! But on this occasion I think you should relax.
    Samantha Jones and Millieboo like this.
  3. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    thank you, she's only 13 weeks and it's my first dog ever so I want to know as much possible. Then google started to show me all these awful articles and pictures of eye problems which got me into this panic mode. My husband and his dad had a husky that died a year ago from old age (he was about to turn 16) and they are a lot calmer then I am about her eyes. But since they didn't have a lab I still wanted some comfort or someone that say : hey go to the vet right now.
    I think it's a bit sad that it is so hard to find any information about how normal healthy puppy eyes develop and look like since I'm sure I am not alone to be a first time owner googling around about this.
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    I think that most people write about the problems and disorders, not about what is healthy or normal. I agree - it'd be very good to have a 'this is normal!' reference document :) I'm very sure you're not the only person to have wondered if they should be worrying about these things or not. Just chat with the vet when you go in for the rabies shot. You can ask the vet to tell you what sorts of eye issues or symptoms should prompt a vet visit and which things you should not worry about.

    If in future you do ever feel you want to see the vet because you're unsure or worried about something then do go and see the vet (I'm just talking in general terms). If you go to the vet and it turns out you didn't need to then that's a win, because your dog is ok. You're not wasting anyone's time just because it turned out to be nothing. And going to the vet is always an opportunity to learn. And it's much, much better than trawling the Internet and feeling worried :)
  5. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Have a read of this very short Scientific American article about blue reflections in dogs' eyes (it's talking about a blue reflection during flash photography, but bright light would have a similar effect). The article explains that it's normal for young pups to have a blue reflection in the pupil area and that it is to do with the normal development of the eye.

    Do you think that's what you're seeing? :)
    Millieboo likes this.
  6. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    I just took this with flash on, it's not noticeable blue unless there's very bright light (flash/sunlight etc).
    Poor Millie just wanted to go back to chilling on the sofa.
  7. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Definitely an 'Oh Muuuuum....!!' expression there!! :)

    That's what I've always seen in my dogs' (Labradors) eyes. I would say it's just reflection from the back of the eye. I would not worry :)

    If you do ever suspect an eye injury or disease (e.g. eye is being kept closed, is red, has a discharge or anything marring the surface) then do go straight to the vet asap. But that blueish tinge in a young dog is normal I'd say.

    Pretty doggie too :)
  8. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    Thank you, I kinda already figured it was reflection. BUT all these articles and pictures of cloudy eyes etc got me so worried. And thank you for that article, wish there were easier to find. Lesson learned though, do not google everything since you end up sitting reading about all kinds of eye problems.
    She is too pretty for her own good, I had to search for 3 months to find her. We live in Pennsylvania where puppymills are very active along with that everything is mixed with pitbull (seen a lot husky mix with pitbull around here and I just keep on thinking why would anyone do this ).
  9. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Love the expression on Millie's face! As has been said before, at certain angles with a flash my boy's eyes look just like that too. Google is the best place to scare yourself silly over everything tbh!
  10. Millieboo

    Millieboo Registered Users

    Jun 7, 2016
    USA pa
    Well since I saw these things that said can lead to blindness I got so horrified and scared. Made me realize I need to know how to see fast if there is any signs of problems. But I do not like how there's only pictures of how a bad eye looks like, at least I wish they could have put a picture next to it "healthy eye" so you can actually see the difference. After all googling I did I also came across third eye lid problems and it said to go to the vet if the third kid is covering xx amount of the eye, being so panicked about the cloudy articles I seen I started to try find a picture of a Labrador with a healthy eye showing with how much third eye lid they actually show normally (wasn't that successful either and it kept on showing really awful third eye lid problems). And if you google about blue shaded puppy eyes (worst thing I did) it only comes up just about eye problems and nothing I can recall about that it's normal .

    But yea the only good thing google brought to me about this all was this forum. I will not be using Google for healthy lab questions anymore.
    Samantha Jones and Oberon like this.

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