"Do I really have to wait until I've got to dribbling point for my treat? I've been just standing here perfectly. I can't see what you see in that 'thing'!"
Betsy is a snapping crocodile....Charlie is getting inventive with his safe places....I just hope she grows slowly. safe place #2 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
Betsy is now known as 'the dog from The Omen'. She has bitten all her new family to make us scream today. Mad puppy Betsy..... betsy1 by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr We are trying to cope by giving her lots of constructive things to do. She is good at nose touches already. Charlie says: please note she has her mouth open - terrible technique. nose touch by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr But Charlie wipes the floor with her on the kibble trails - she is learning quickly though, she has to if she wants any kibble. Charlie says: goodness knows what she has on her nose. kibble trail by julieandcharlie julieandcharlie, on Flickr
Is she worse in the biting stakes than Charlie was ! It will pass, I can hardly remember mine biting now, hell while it last though. She does look a delight; is she all show or does she have some working in her?
We think she is a whole lot worse! We do remember Charlie nipping. But we said things like "I'll just say OUCH! now, because that's good for him to learn bite inhibition". With Betsy, she grabs hold of us with an iron grip, it's super painful and we involuntarily scream and we rush to help each other! It seriously, seriously, hurts! Ah, well, we wear shoes, makes sure Charlie has spaces where he knows we'll stop Betsy getting to him, and yes, we hope it goes away!
Interestingly, Betsy is from a larger litter than Charlie, and a busier breeder with many more adult dogs around. When I asked the breeder about sending the puppies home, and time with mum etc. the breeder said the pups from a large litter really needed human 121 time now, otherwise they would turn into complete heathens. I thought it was an interesting comment - she said it is a pretty brutal, competitive environment in the litter as they grew, it's not all sugar and light with mum, and it was really time for them to go to their new homes.
She is overwhelmingly show - on her mother's side she has a great ancestor from working lines, which leads to a mainly show line FTW as one of her mum's grandfathers. Both her parents do work though, and mum's show line has trialed and had success in working tests.
Dexter was like that but only to me, I spent the summer in a fleece jacket and looser fitting jeans as it helped him not get my skin quite so much. Really really did hurt at the time.