an interesting morning

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by caroleb, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    As our gun dog training lessons won't start again until the end of June I thought it would be a good idea to take Rusty back to regular obedience class to work on ignoring other dogs and other "social" distractions. This was billed as a mixed class rather than an intermediate one which I was after but I was surprised at how many barking, howling, pulling dogs were there. The only dog that seemed beyond complete beginner was a trainee canine partner dog, a pretty little flat coat, called Delia. Rusty had his head turned completely by her and I swear she was flirting with my big handsome Lab ;)

    Although he was a bit overwhelmed at first Rusty soon settled and did pretty well although the exercise of leaving a plate with biscuits on the floor to be heeled past and ignored was very hard for him. But everyone ooohed at his solid stay in the middle of a room of 10 owners and fidgety dogs and I realised that actually months of standing in a field and working him have paid off. He was by far the best there and only needs a bit more distraction work to be really polished. I was really proud of him and while he isn't perfect he is amazingly good for his age.

    Has anyone here got any experience of the Kennel Club good Citizen award ?- I'm thinking of Rusty doing this as a goal to aim for.
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Congratulations Carole....all the hard work paying off :)

    We have similar experiences while out and about with Riley, comments on how well trained he is. Luckily we have gun dog training to keep our feet firmly on the ground and appreciate just how far we still have to go!!

    We're still finding it hard to get enough time in on the "middle ground" of distracting but well trained dogs. Controlling Riley's interaction with other dogs is still very much on the "to do" list......and probably always will be. Interestingly we go to the training ground where our lessons are and he seems to know the difference between that and a walk out with regards to interaction..he settles quickly and although still up for new friends seems to realise it's not acceptable. I'm probably behaving differently in each place so need to be more disciplined on walks.
  3. David

    David Registered Users

    May 21, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Ah! A target I think I can only dream of reaching! :D

    Well done!
  4. Rocketman

    Rocketman Lab Technician Forum Supporter

    May 11, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    I think any training that helps you reinforce the basics whilst strengthening the bond between you and Rusty is a good thing. And well done to him for doing so well, it's always nice to have a dog that does as they're told when others are misbehaving. Rocket isn't hot at retrieving, but she has a pretty solid stay, heel and recall. I suspect she's just figured out that I'm the one with the food :D
  5. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Ah, see - just cos Rusty isn't 'top of the class' at 'Gundog school' at e moment, doesnt mean you aren't don't a fabulous job with him! I hope you felt suitably smug... ;o)
  6. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    aw thanks Sam, will confess to being a little bit smug at that moment but very aware of the work it took to get us there but today in the middle of the field we walk in felt very smug! - we were practising stop whistle at a distance, with stay and recall and I saw a couple arrive at the far end being walked (well dragged) by something on a long lead. I could tell they were watching us and the guy's body language was definitely saying wow wish mine was like that :* have to say Rusty was very impressive today and earned quite a lot of banana biscuits. We def seem to have finally clicked with the obedience now need to get the retrieve consistent and I'll be happy.
    (she says on the way over to the gun dog thread to post a question...)
  7. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Ah but it's precisely because it took so much hard work, that you deserve to feel smug :)

    Good luck with the retrieving...

    (and can I just point out that the tipsy appearance of my spelling in the post above, is only due to autocorrect and typing on my phone!)
  8. Rocketman

    Rocketman Lab Technician Forum Supporter

    May 11, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    [quote author=Sam link=topic=470.msg2051#msg2051 date=1336160477]
    (and can I just point out that the tipsy appearance of my spelling in the post above, is only due to autocorrect and typing on my phone!)

    I will remember that excuse!
  9. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    I like that excuse too Sam - fact i don't post from my mobile is neither here nor there - no one else knows that - oh now they do !
  10. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011

    Out this afternoon for a bit of retrieving - haven't done any for a week as the weather has been so atrocious and I thought a break would be a good move to increase Rusty's desire to work. Well the first retrieve was thrown by my friend a good 80 yards and it accidentally landed in quite long clump of grass. Rusty ran out but hesitate half way distracted by my friend moving (grr) but flew out when I told him to but started hunting but the wind was against him and he'd lost the line. So having not done it before at such a long distance I blew the stop whistle and he instantly stopped and looked. I then gave him the hand signal to go right - again first time at distance - and he did it. found the dummy and flew back! I was very proud of him indeed. My friend commented how wonderful it was to watch.

    I'm just so chuffed and I know you all will appreciate why I need to share - I'm still a bit amazed - especially when he followed up with 2 flawless retrieves. Woo hoo long may it last.
  11. Rocketman

    Rocketman Lab Technician Forum Supporter

    May 11, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    It's really good that he found the dummy as soon as he did what you'd told him. The more he trusts you the better!
  12. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Carole that is absolutely brilliant. You have every right to feel chuffed!

    You are well on your way now! :D
  13. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Such a clever boy! Do you feel like you and he are a proper 'team' now? :eek:)
  14. caroleb

    caroleb Registered Users

    Jun 24, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    Hi Sam

    we're getting there - Rusty still lacks confidence - but I know with a bit more of the right encouragement we will be a fantastic team. We had a lesson with a new teacher to get a fresh perspective and been given a new approach to build his confidence which feels right. I know he can do everything I ask of him, once he trusts me all the time and trusts himself that yes that is what i really want we'll be unstoppable. ;D
  15. Sammie@labforumHQ

    Sammie@labforumHQ Administrator Staff Member

    May 19, 2011
    Re: an interesting morning

    An unstoppable Labrador....just what the world needs.... :eek:D

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