Hello All, I have smelled puppy breath a lot in my life. But usually once the puppy gets past 2 or 3 months, their breath begins to change into a normal dog breath. My current puppy Bailey has breath that smells like metal (like your hands after handling copper) and she gets the hiccups a lot. Does anyone know anything I don't that could give me some advice please? Thank you ahead of time!!
Blood from teething teeth can sometimes smells like that. Better than the rotten meat smell my one teething puppy had. And hiccups are a puppy thing, they get them. Jet had rotten teething breath, Oban didn't. Oban had hiccups, Jet didn't. Either is just your puppy. Hiccups aren't a worry unless, like us, they go on too long. I don't think you can get your puppy to breath out of a paper bag and you sure don't want to scare her, so you just have to wait them out.
Puppy hiccups are common, so don't worry about that (unless, as Snowshoe says, they jet don't stop!). My dog still gets them at age 4. As for the funny breath...could be teething... If your pup will let you you could have a gentle look (being generous with the treats).
Sound advice from all here, thanks!! She started having diarrhea, so we took her into the vet and he said what you all have said She did, however, have a GI issue that meds have cleared up! Thank goodness for pet insurance as we are ones to take her in at the drop of a hat! lol
Just got a report from the girlfriend that she is very active and diarrhea has stopped Meds and tummy rest worked like a charm!