I have decided to take Maisie and Milo off of Tails.com and changing them back to Skinners. Maisie on Salmon and rice and Milo on puppy. I ordered big bags of both. AND THEN i remembered once they had been delivered that the reason I took Milo off of Skinners puppy was that it upset his stomach, and i remembered that I tried changing him to it twice and both times it upset his stomach. that was 2.5 months ago ish. Anyway I am now stuck with a bag of skinners puppy that Amazon won't let me return, is it worth trying Milo on it again or if it didn't suit him once will it def not suit him again??
Have you thought if phoning Skinners and telling them the problem you had with Milo and his upset stomach? The may refund you the cost of the bag or advise you.
no I hadn't thought of that. I might ring them in the morn. they might just say its my own fault for buying another bag?!
If Skinners can't help you, then consider donating to a rescue centre & writing the cost off. At least someone will benefit.