Chaos at 5am!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Ava, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    We brought Jinx home a couple of weeks ago and expected a few interrupted nights of sleep. However, it hasn't improved. At first we'd put him in our older dogs large crate (apparently he'd slept in outdoor kennels at breeders) but he would fret, cry, and yelp almost all night long. I did some research which said some pups don't like to 'do their needs' as I say lol, in the crate next to them, so I bought a large puppy playpen and swapped very large crate with smaller one, leaving door open so he can go in and out. I put puppy pad as far away as possible from him, which means it's not near his crate, and he has toys etc to keep him amused. BUT he is still causing a ruckus ever night. He'll go into his bed at around 10.30 pm and go straight into bed and to sleep, then around 2 he starts, we've tried taking him outside in case it's because he doesn't want to 'go' in pen, but he still doesn't settle. We leave him to cry it out and after ages he will go back to sleep, but not for long. Every single morning at 4.30/5am he starts again and he's even worse then, doing the all out howl. This then sets our other dog off, who sleeps in living room, and we have no clue what to try next. Hubs and I both look like extras from 'The Walking Dead' and we would dearly love to have a decent sleep. Any advice and/or suggestions would be very welcome.
  2. jessieboo

    jessieboo Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2016
    I'm sure someone with more experience than me will come along with some help. But when we got Jessie she cried quite a bit, so I slept by her crate on a blow up matress for a few nights gradually moving further away each night until she got used to being alone. I know other people do it the other way around and have the dog in the crate or box next to their bed and then move the dog slowly to their preferred sleeping place? Maybe worth a try?
  3. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    If you go to him when he whimpers, even once or twice, then he learns that you come when he whimpers and does it all the more. Prevention is the best with a new pup - always only give attention when the pup is quiet. That's not easy as a natural human reaction to a cry is to speak to the pup! 'What's the matter?' etc.

    Here is a good article -
    Pilatelover likes this.
  4. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    our bedroom is only about 15 ft away from where he is, so we're not far from him, and he was sleeping outside in kennels before he came home with us. We've never had any of ours in bedroom and afraid I have knee and hip prob so couldn't get down, or up from a mattress on floor lol, would need a crane to help x
  5. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    Thank you, when we've checked to see if he needs out, we don't talk to him whatsoever, but I'll read this article, thank u very much x
  6. jessieboo

    jessieboo Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2016
    I'm sure other people will have suggestions if this won't work for you. Jessie was also in a kennel outside, but cried! She was 1 of 11, so I put it down to missing kennel mates. Good luck!
  7. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    Thank you, he was out of a large litter, but it was down to two when we went to pick him up. I put him in his pen for naps during the day for short periods and yes he'll cry for a wee while but soon settles down, the pre-dawn chorus we're getting is not only affecting us, he's so loud others must hear him too, and who would've thought such a racket could come out of something so small lol x
  8. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Perhaps if your other dog could be in the same room with Jinx, that might help? I got up early with my pup and we stayed out in the garden, in no time at all he was sleeping through until after 8am.
  9. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    Oh gosh, nope, Luna is 'over-exhuberant' with him as it is, the couple of times during the day I've had them in same room while Jinx was in for nap, she was in there with him, and all hell broke lose. I suppose I could try and see if worked but going on what's happened so far, I'm kinda reluctant. She is so big and she could hurt him without even trying. They play together, rather wildly at times, but always supervised with one of us close by in case things get too heated. Maybe if she were older but she's just turned one and still a puppy herself, her nickname here is 'Loopy Luna' for her puppy antics.
    Stacia likes this.
  10. jessieboo

    jessieboo Registered Users

    Feb 12, 2016
    It is so hard, isn't it? Jessie was loud too, which was why I ended up sleeping close to her for a few nights as it was really upsetting my kid and setting our neighbour's dog off! I didn't want her in the bedroom, so floor it was! If she could see me she seemed fine and after the days I spent on the floor she has been fine. Although she still got up early for a few weeks after that, but that was for a wee, after which she would settle again. Another thought is a teddy or something with your scent on it?? I really hope you find a solution, lack of sleep is hard!
  11. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    Thanks hon, yes I do like my sleep lol, but at least I work for myself from home, so I can afford to have 'off days' but hubs drives for a living and I hate he isn't getting enough rest. I did put an old t-shirt of mine in, and he had a wee soft toy, think might have to pinch one of the grandkids teddies lol x
  12. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    I was thinking he would be in the crate while she was in the same room :)
  13. Ava

    Ava Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2016
    We'd swapped out the large crate to a smaller one within the playpen and leaving door open so he can go in and out crate to pee etc. So Luna could create mayhem if she is in same room with him, as it is I have to close babygate to keep her out of room when he goes for a nap during day as she jumps trying to get in, and it's not to nap with him lol, she wants to play constantly with him and can't quite get why he has to sleep lol. We use babygates to keep her out (or in) kitchen as she is a smart cookie and can open doors, she could, if she wanted, jump over gate but so far she seems to know that's a big no no and hasn't done so.

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