Hello, Our other puppy is 9 weeks old, and we got her last Tuesday from the Breeder, the first 2 days (apart of the usual crying at night ) she was fine and happy, the second day she got outside and played in the grass (and ate a bit of it too) so than , last Thursday she was absolute quite sleepy and you could see she not well, so we went to the VET, he made a scan blood test and says she got a gut and liver Infection . So now she get's IV's everyday and antibiotics- she still had not much appetite but yesterday we gave her a little food which she enjoyed and she was more happy- but today again she is quiet and puked twice, we really worried. Or could this puking as well be signs of homesickness?She went already through a lot since she is with us.. and we really take care maybe here Immune system is just bad Obviously going to the vet again, the breeder said she was fine the whole time (apart of that they change the food from royal canin to monge). Thanks for any clues. Schulte
I've no real advice, just want to send sympathy and say stay in touch with your vet. Hope she improves soon.
Oh dear that sounds horrible. Probably not a very good breeder, I'm afraid, if your puppy arrived with a gut and liver infection. What did your vet tell you to feed her? Little puppy tummies are easily upset, and the general advice is not to change the food he/she was getting at the breeders at first, and then very slowly and gradually change the food over. I hope things come around for your little pup soon.
Thanks Karen , indeed looks not like the best breeder just found out from the vet she is infected with CPV virus, can only hope! as she seems strong and we called it early , she gets now Everyday 1 1/2 hours iv and serum. She only could catch it from the breeder she is only with us since last Tuesday and until now breeder denied it but just now after we told the breeder we got it in black and white , she called back she would pick up our puppy and give us the money back. Very insulting told them will report them. Can't do more just hope she is strong. Thanks Schulte
I am very sorry indeed to hear that. Your poor little puppy, I hope he will pull through. You must be devastated.
Poor puppy. I hope she recovers soon. It's good that you have taken her to the vets. I would go ahead and report that breeder as other pups might be really poorly too. Doesn't sound like a good breeder at all!!
What a horrible situation for you ,I really hope she comes through this ,you must be so upset,please let us know how she is and I wish you the very best xxx
Terrible! Poor wee pup, and how distressing all this must be for you. Fingers crossed your pup pulls through.
Thank you all your messages, she got 4 days of a serum which is not cheap but apparently one of the newest on the market and she seems much better , feisty . Problem is she now getting delayed with her next vaccines so she is ground it at home or if we take her on a carry bag so at least she gets a change of scenery.. We spoken to the breeder they terrible sorry but say they have no clue how she could get it. Again thanks your concerns will keep you posted. And I am sure the one or other question will come along .
i had to delay Rorys vacinations due to illness. I just carried him about rapped in a blanket in places I knew were safe and just let him watch the world go by. You can catch up you just miss the optimum time for socialisation, it is just a bit more work. So glad your pups feeling better hope she continues to improve
Glad to hear your pup is feeling a bit better. I use to carry Annie around before her vaccinations. She loved it meeting people, seeing new things like horses, cars, children.. ...I am sure your pup will too. She will get use to things she sees without going on the ground.