I fully intended to have a toilet area for Molly but was just happy to have her going anywhere outside to start with. Now the whole garden is her toilet and it's suffering. Any ideas? How would I now introduce a toilet area? She doesn't go on demand, she just looks at me thinking 'i don't need a wee' like my 4 yr old does.....
Ha ha. I haven't tried this but lots have had success with a "spending area" I think you will need to go out every pee/poop with her on lead and reward when she performs in the chosen spot. Directing her towards it of course. Nice tasty treat for hitting the spot! Perhaps defining the area might help too
Yellow spots the size of a plate do not look pretty for any lawn/garden. Create a specific spot and take pup to it every time. I used a pile of leaves to mark the spot and to mimic the shredded paper the breeder used. I now put down a bag of mulch and every several weeks replace.
My lawn is a Zoysia variety of grass, very hardy grass, stands up well to high traffic and so far, dog pee. If you can get it where you are you may want to give it a try. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoysia http://zoysias.com/
Zoysia Grass Benefits Low water Consumption - The root system of Zoysia grass is deep as well as extensive thus requiring little if any irrigation. No need for chemicals - Zoysia is naturally resistant to pests and disease, thus no need to expose your family, pets or the environment to chemicals. Plus an established Zoysia grass lawn is so thick with deep roots weeds are choked out -thus no need for harmful weed killers. In the event that your Zoysia lawn or turf becomes stressed and pests do invade you will find Zoysia grass to be resilient to injury that may accompany most chemicals. Reduced mowing - Due to the lateral growth of Zoysia there is slower upwards growth. Most people find that Zoysia requires up to 2/3 less mowing than other grass types. Heat and Cold tolerant - Zoysia grass thrives in heat and does not winter kill. Note: Zoysia grass will go dormant turning a golden brown when the first winter killing frost arrives. Zoysia is one of the first grass types to come out of dormancy and 'green up' in the Spring when soil temperatures reach around 50°. Traffic and Wear tolerant - Once established Zoysia grass has an almost uncanny ability to repair itself as it grows in all directions laterally. Also, due to it's high density sodding, Zoysia is a good choice for Southern athletic fields and golf courses as well as high traffic lawns in the areas of Zoysia adaptation. Removal of cuttings after mowing will reduce thatch problems that may arise. Salt tolerant - Zoysia grass is salt tolerant making it a good choice for coastal areas. Animal waste tolerant - Zoysia is more tolerant of animal urine and feces than other grass types - but keep in mind there is no grass that will survive constant exposure to pet waste. If this is an issue try to keep the soil pH around between 6 - 7 by liming the soil. Shade tolerant - Zoysia grass is somewhat shade tolerant in the Southern areas of adaptation as long as the soil pH is between 6 -7 and it receives 2 to 4 hours of direct sunlight a day. Erosion control - Once established, Zoysia grass is great for slopes and other high eroding areas.